Garden of Joy - when do you fix the infinite in the building ?

Took you 6 years to fix the infinite houses of pain.
4 or 5 years to fix the infinite in groaning storehouse.
Will you actually wait 5 years to fix this new map aswell ?
Edit : fix the damn infinite on haddonfield main building as well
I’ve lost all hope in BHVR with their map design lol.
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When they fix map design in general
So never basically
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The groaning storehouse infinite was fixed? That's news to me.
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Yeah if I see that map getting offered I just close the game and open it again.
No thanks
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Groaning Storehouse is such survivor sided trash too
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u must be closing all the time cause that all i see lol. garden and farm maps all day long
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Ye it was worse before.
There is also an infinite in the new haddonfield map.
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There's not any infinites left, thankfully.
There are a couple of problematic god loops. I find my issue on Garden of Pain is less the main building and more the easily chained tiles. Reminds me of Cowshed.
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Well in the main building there is no infinite but there are two semi-infinite with two different windows, combining both of them you have an infinite or almost.
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The GoJ main building is a literal infinite. The windows never get blocked because the killer loses chase, bloodlust won't happen for the same reason and the killer will not make any ground on the survivor. That is pretty much the definition of an infinite loop.
I've seen that Saloon can be an infinite for 4.4 m/s killers as well (though only if certain breakable walls are destroyed).
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It's crazy how it isn't. The window blocks as long as you, you know, don't meander around and drop chase. I've had people vault the window three times on me, I've not ever had someone turn it into an infinite.
Yes, Saloon has one with the prerequisite that you break a wall that few people even know about.
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Same here. Busted individual loops and strong loops spawning right next to each other are still super common. I don’t think those problems will ever get fixed.
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Besides the main building, Haddonfield also has an infinite/double infinite depending on if two buildings spawn beside one another. Even a killer with high mobility, bloodlust, and Bamboozle can be ran for a good while with it. The only way to take a survivor down who knows how to run it well is with a good ranged killer (which those are 4.4 killers so they have to be dead accurate) or trap killer (and even with the latter they'll just zone while you're setting traps), or the survivor makes a mistake.
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There are two windows creating two semi-infinite loops. Once one loop is blocked, go for the other window, rinse and repeat.
Only one window can be blocked at a time... You have 16k messages here, surely 10k hours on DbD and you haven't noticed it ? How on earth is it possible ?
Here is the infinite
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5K and it's because you can't fast vault the second window if the Killer takes the correct pathing.
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Tell me it is not an infinite now :)
And you will note that the survivor doesn't loop properly here, loosing some time.
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That's not true. Technically the only theoretical limit is somewhere in like 8 windows that can be blocked at the same time (the only limit is that vaulting and walking takes some and each block is for X seconds - don't know the time, but it should be very approximately 20s). I have seen quite a few times bad killer looping LT without bamboozle and survivor blocking both windows at said tile until he had to leave.
You might be mistaken, because bamboozle blocks just last vaulted window. This is specific to the perk - and yes in case of this perk if you block one window, then the other one gets unblocked immediately.
Anyway - the last true infinite in the game was in old Haddonfield main - and this got fixed even some time before it. We have some god loops - but 0 infinites if you know what you are doing (and on the other hand 2x LT-tiles right next to each other can be literal infinites for weak killer players).
Also GoJ is not super difficult to play as killer because of the main. The reason why it favors survivors so much is, that all loops can be so well connected to each other so reliably and safely. If you want to nerf it - make at least 1/2 of filler pallets unsafe (but to compensate it - do something about Midwitch please. It's horrible for survivors for the longest time ever)
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You can extend the chase more than 5 minutes on Garden of Joy just by using the windows and there is a god pallet there as well... It is enough to finish the trial and give an automatic loss to the killer.
Moreover the building is reachable from pretty much anywhere on the map if you have SB. Your SWF mate tell you the killer comes to you, you sprint in the building. Killer cannot do anything.
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If you get chased for 5 minutes on ANY map, than I am 100% certain that's a skill issue. No if's or buts. Even considering it huge hyperbole - 5 minutes is just way too long. I can literally pick up new killer I have never played before and get down under 2 minutes on any pub match - using just knowledge of basic M1 killers.
If I take one of my better killers, then I have 0 issues to win on that map - more often then loose (but sure - taking dredge and finding myself on that map is rough - but still not impossible)
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It's not.
The Legion could have used their power at any point to score a hit. They never broke chase, it's a God loop, not an infinite.
Also, there's no amount of maximum windows blocked.
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I've only had 2 games (that I can remember) where the survivors actually used the infinite the correct way. It's not enough to just use one window. You need to chain 2 (or 3, if possible) windows and run it perfectly. The killer will lose chase and the survivor will be able to continue this forever.
I tried brute forcing it and I tried mind gaming. Both didn't work.