Fix aim dressing

As a console player it's always been annoying but lately it's out of control. I'm been pull back around corners I'm swinging around to hit lockers hitting random stuff I couldn't even see original but aim dressing decided that hay barrel was a priority target. It use to be like every few matches it would be an issue like once but lately it's been almost every match multiple times a match. This has gone on long enough fix it or remove it I don't care .
Second this. Sadly, deep down, I believe console complaints it falls on deaf ears.
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This right here.
I've been saying it for the past year but console players are treated like the scumbags of the dbd community
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Fixing this would be a great quality of life improvement for killers.
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Just remove it completely. There's already so many hits that look questionable even on the killers camera that aim assist literally does nothing.
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Just remove it...
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It really does feel that way especially seen all the opinions on meet your maker for controller
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It's at the point where I can't even swing around corners most the time because I get pulled towards whatever I'm trying to swing around and it looks so junky its really noticeable.
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Ok I thought it was me 😆. I am a console player and I am thinking I am just out here swatting flies or something.
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No its always been noticeable from time to time but lately it's pretty much every game and even multiple times a game.
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Console can never progress in terms of game optimization and QOL improvements due to the fact that the game is tied to last gen consoles.
I made the switch to PC a while back & whenever I jump back on console every now and again for a few games I literally just turn it off after like 2 games max because it's so infuriatingly bad. On the plus side having been gimped on console for like 2-3 years it's made me a pretty strong killer on PC.
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I've had several instances where I'm in the open behind the survivor and when I hold m1 to lunge for the down, it forces me to short swing instead.
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That's one possibility. Another alternative explanation I see is they suffer from "bad console port" and it's been suggested in other optimization discussions by players that PC is their primary focus, while consoles across the board go by the waist side. I can only speak to ps4, which, to that point, more demanding games like Ark, Elden Ring, Monster Hunter World & Rise, and The Witcher 3 can all run flawlessly on my ps4. I never had issues with those games on those games after updates, even on a launch day Ps4. On top of this:
- No console PTB or hint we will ever get one. So how do we know how live changes impact the console player base and game performance?
- We went years without being able to use perks like dead hard on console because it actually didn't work, unlike PC
- DBD is one of the only games I've ever had where performance has noticeably taken a dip throughout the years with very few improvements and even fewer instances of specifically acknowledging and targeting problems plaguing our console community
- Bug reports on console piling up without being addressed
to paraphrase @NotAnotherDoctor, console is flying roach class
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on2 -
*cries in Switch player*
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:'( There there
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Our poor Switch cousins need more lovinz than that I'm afraid
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Thank you... it is a tough road to travel...
Sadly, very true. I've posted about a problem that's been persistent for MONTHS where the game just randomly freezes no matter what's happening. I had to repost it since they deleted the Optimization section. Praying to god it gets acknowledged.
The switch port just needs to be rehauled 100%. I want them to try and get Panic Button to work magic on it like they did for Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal on the switch.
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It is a crying shame that the Switch version is in the state it is currently in for as long as it has been. Aim dressing is just the tip of the iceberg on its problems 😅.
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Funny how mobile DbD has the option to turn it what the hell?
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Devs aren't from Quebec.