Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Survivor perks

Can someone be realistic and tell me in which scenario did the boon “Dark theory” ever helped someone significantly in a match? 2% speed in a basic boon radius while also making sound (the boon) so easy to find.

Exponential is such a nice concept, but the delivery is TRASH. Again it makes noise therefore the killer is gonna find it easily (news flash they only need to pick you up to make that perk useless, or just kick the totem all together).

Also I think its funny that now medkits have the same speed of self healing than self care. Might as well just make no mither built in game.

Decisive strike one of the few perks to avoid tunnelling: literally lasts for like a minute, if you do anything it deactivates, if you fail the skill check then you wont get a chance again if you get unhooked, wont work in endgame at all, the stun barely lasts. Yet somehow the devs look at this and think “hmm yeah this is good, totally fair for the survivor, absolutely not inclined to help the killer here”

Then dead hard, a perk that required actual skill and prediction to use properly but somehow this was too op for the devs so now you have to depend in hooks for that, while it remains being an exhaustion perk mind you that! wouldnt like survivors being able to survive thats too op.

Then in solo queue, there is this perk called “Sole survivor” which gives you a 75% gen speed when you are the last survivor and you should go find the hatch bcs if you don’t then the killer finds it and you are forced into endgame. Imma need someone to explain me how that 75% gen speed can help realistically when there isn’t only one gen left, ur the last one and the gen has already more the 50% progress.

mind you that this perk will not prevent no way out to block the doors and therefore give the time to the killer to close the hatch and again being able to simply camp doors.

There is not enough defence mechanisms and they keep taking away and nerfing badly the only few that can give you a bit of a boost.

Also lets talk about how bodyblocking works very badly in closure to the hook now in comparison to in the past. Like whats up with that?

I’m not even gonna complain about how hooks lately have been like 2 meters distance from each others and the only edge we had in regards of wiggling progress (the skill checks) was nerfed while they made sure to adjusts all maps in which you could use boil over effectively without relying in everyone throwing.

Perks are very situational and you literally don’t know against who you’re playing when you’re selecting them, therefore you cannot really prepare properly for the situation.

allow me to explain: as a killer you can see against who you are gonna play against, you can see their items. Afraid of survivors teaming up with their flash lights? Boo lightborn and you make 4 perks useless plus the whole flashlight category of items. All toolboxes? Add franklins or that perk that makes items less effective + making skill checks more difficult.

But what can survivors do prematch? Pray to the lord.

Killers have the edge from the start of the match till the end, even when survivors are all friends playing together and quite skilled, if they match against a killer of their same level of skill they will lose.

agree or disagree in my previous statements there should be something we can all agree on here: there is plenty of perks that are messed up and the devs do not take the right approach to it, they simply nerf whatever its good or used and call it a day. Never I will forget the times self care has gotten nerfed as if it was ever op to begin with.

This game flops harder everyday and I’m praying that a good company finally steps in and makes a better game than this, because BEHAVIOUR has failed effectively with the concept. The devs should play their game more often, as survivors in solo queue so they can get the full experience.

“Death is not an escape” it definitely is when the killer is Pinhead or Legion lmao 💀
