Does Daily Rituals need a rework?

brenkn Applicant Posts: 15

If yes, what would you guys change? Personally I would make it 6 instead of 3.

Does Daily Rituals need a rework? 12 votes

GibberishF60_31LunarApocHugTheHagBrandon48CharleeJonOzzie16CorvusCorax86brenknqnyun 10 votes
ChordycepsSeraphor 2 votes


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I don't think they 'need' a rework. Maybe they could be improved, but expanding them to 6 is a bit much. They're an optional goal to encourage players to step out of their comfort zone and try a different character/role for a change, to promote a more varied experience. If you make the system too malleable, it loses that aspect and players can just pick and choose to the extent that there is no restriction involved and therefore not incentive to try something new.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    The incentive for them is so low, 30k bloodpoints. It would at least need to be doubled for me to want to equip a character I don't play and struggle.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    I think every ritual should have 2 "sides" one side for Killer, on for Survivor. Completing either one gets you the BP. Sick of getting multiple Killer rituals in a row when I have no desire to play Killer.

    Also, Survivor-specific rituals should be replaced with perk-specific rituals since Survivors are just skins; eg: Instead of "Escape with Dwight" we get "Escape while using Leader + Prove Thyself + Bond".

    Other than that, there are a few Rituals that could be reworked to be less grindy. Like, the Sabotage Ritual could be changed from "Sabotage 4 Hooks" to "Sabotage 1 Hook while the Killer is nearby and carrying another Survivor"

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    They need to let me choose survivor or killer. It's stupid that I only get killer rituals when I just wanna play survivor. It's a dumb thing that you get the opposite of what you play. If I want to play killer I will. The rituals are always for killers I don't like to play anyway. Why can't I have more say in what the rituals are? They should at the very least be 2 killer and 2 survivor instead of all killer or all survivor.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Can we have more for survivors? The majority are for killers. I think the number (3) is fine as, after all, 1 can be removed.