Invisible Wall for Killers on Eyrie of Crows and possibly other maps

OhItsDenial Member Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in Bug Reporting

On one of the staircases inside of the library on the Eyrie of Crows, there is an invisible wall that prevents killers from directly walking up the second half of the stairs. Instead they have to walk wide around it to avoid the collisions. There is also a small collision wall at the top of the staircase turning right.

It appears to affect all killers, no matter their height, and is not something to be activated. It is just there. I went into custom games with a friend, and he tested it on knight and hag, both could not avoid it.

I found this on Xbox, but there is a clip of a Myers on pc also encountering it.

Additionally, there is another wall on Suffocation Pit, next to a wagon next to the logs near the shack on that map. It has a swing collision hitbox too, so you can't hit a survivor sitting in it. Survivors that are downed can simply turn around to avoid being picked up.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that a lot of people know about this bug, the Dwight I queued against burned an offering for this map and then looped here for a while.

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  • Digfish
    Digfish Member Posts: 123

    This should be kill-switched until they fix it. I had three matches in a row where survivors burned Eyrie offerings to abuse this.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 472

    Most of the Survivors I've matched on this map recently will happily run up the stairs to the second floor with or without the plank as in this video. This is because the distance from the Killer can be increased.