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Three Skull Merchants Tonight



  • Member Posts: 240

    This is from my stream a few minutes ago. I ended up being held hostage by this particular skull merchant because once again killers lose their minds if someone gets the hatch. David DCd and she hooked Leon right before he bled out then came to find me. Either way this clip serves to prove your point that gen placement is a huge issue. This Skull Merchant was able to defend 3 gens with just TWO drones.

  • Member Posts: 240
    edited May 2023

    How's this for Gen Placement? She covered 3 gens with 2 drones. Was 4 until we got the one near shack done. No way we could escape this match.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Personally I really enjoy simple killers who doesn't have bunch of techs I have to learn to even play the killer. I personally hate blight and somewhat dislike Wesker because of this. I play a bunch of different types of games and I can't memorize or develop muscle memory to do all these different techs some of these killers have. It's the same reason why I hate fighting games because of all the damn combos you have to learn to even compete.

    To put it in perspective some of my most favorite killers in the game right are wraith, legion, knight and yes even SM. I enjoy simple killers with simple powers.

  • Member Posts: 21,206

    You basically said exactly what I was trying to say, just better.

  • Member Posts: 240
    edited May 2023

    Not to mention if we do hack a drone and she chases us we auto break any pallet we vault so we can't run away from her either. Her drones shouldn't reset if we get too close. When they are done they are done. The trap shouldn't break pallets. She shouldn't be able to reset the drones from anywhere either.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    You had 3 Skull Merchants and I had 3 Demos. Much prefer 3 Demos to 3 Skull Merchants. Seriously she is such a dull killer. Her and Knight were yikes.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I dont understand how anyone can play out a 40+ min game.

    If 3gen lasts for 10min already just break it or die?

    Good matches for maxing out bp and then giving up if you ask me. But sure play them out even for 2 hours if you enjoy it that much

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    People love to watch streamers act like idiots and give other people a bad time. This is a general problem of human mentality. In my country we call it Schadenfreude - the joy of the suffering of others.

  • Member Posts: 378

    I can see both sides of this. I'd be sad to see the SM go tho, or any other killers.

    Being in a stalemate for 20 minutes is absurd, let alone an hour.

    I do find Skull Merchant fun to play tho, surprisingly. Something about putting drones on the fly and having a device tracking survivors is great fun to me.

    I couldn't hold a game for more than 10 minutes of stalemate tho. After a while I'll just let people go. Well I would want to kill a few of them but still. Better jump to the next match than remain in one forever. Bloodpoints aren't farming themselves.

  • Member Posts: 592

    This is exactly what I am talking about that doesn't get enough attention. The gens shouldn't be close enough that you can lock down 2 more gens with 1 drone. Thank you for posting this.

  • Member Posts: 592

    I don't like the way the knights power works, at all he sucks and I do not like the way he feels. Sms power is more fun to use. So no I rather play her. Her chase music absolutely sucks though.

    I have actually, by an infinite t3 michael that refused to hook me while searching for the other person that spent the whole game hiding. He left me to bleed out and then when I got close to dying he carried me around I had to bait him into killing me so I could leave with out dcing. I posted about that here on the forums right after wesker came out. Before the knight was a thing.

    I have also been 3 genned multiple times at over 30 minutes by a knight. You can hate the skull merchant all you want, but if I wanted to 3 gen you with huntress I could and I would have an easier time doing it with her than the skull merchant. Playing like that sucks though and isn't fun.

    The real issue is gen placement. Which again almost everyone conveniently ignores.

  • Member Posts: 240

    No Problem. Yeah some of these maps have massive gen placement issues. The Skull Merchant is still very strong despite gen placement though. There are maps that don't have this problem and she will still dominate.

  • Member Posts: 21,206

    Because I don't want to have to DC or throw because a Killer has decided to hold the game hostage.

  • Member Posts: 416

    can you believe since the release I only came across her 2 times?

    I've never seen a killer flop so hard, even the knight was played way more lol

  • Member Posts: 416


    My time is precious to me, "I don't wanna give up" my a*

    I wouldn't think twice, next!

  • Member Posts: 6,130

    This was a gen placement from awhile ago in a SM game lol to her absolute credit though, she didn't do the 3 gen strat even though it was the perfect set up. She's only in the area because I finally got matched with a good solo team that was determined to pop one of these gens just in case. She had a chase build and got a 3k (4th got hatch). It was really the only SM game I enjoyed.

  • Member Posts: 240

    I wish I could get one of those cool Skull Merchants but I always get the killers who do the absolute maximum to end the game as fast as possible. I had a SM a bit ago who had her 3gen set up and her devour hope was right next to a gen too. Any time we hacked the drone with devour she dropped chase and ran back over to defend it. No one survived. I was the last survivor because it was completely lucky she didn't see me. She found the hatch first. She then put a drone on each exit gate. Once 2 survivors are dead against SM you cannot escape unless you get lucky enough to find the hatch. All of my SM's except this last one have slugged the 3rd survivor and refused to hook them until they found the 4th survivor. It's insane how strong she is. I used to think Pinhead was strong. At least against him you could dodge chains but with her have ZERO chance to escape. As soon as I see SM I know I already lost. The item I brought is useless. I'm probably going to depip.

  • Member Posts: 451
    • One of them was streaming and had a "Skull Merchant Rage DC counter" on display and when I asked them what it was for they said something along the lines of, "For the ragequitting Survivor mains who throw a tantrum whenever a Killer is winning"

    And this is the result of the devs just accepting the stupid notion that the killer must be "the power role" and have a 70% win rate. People get power trips like this.

    It would be oh so sweet if people doing this got placed to face high level, highly coordinated SWFs and had a huge loss streak to deflate them. But no, the game just puts them against whichever random is available and keeps them riding their power high because God forbid people have to wait in queue more than 30 seconds to have a properly balanced match.

  • Member Posts: 21,206

    Yeah, I actually went against them again tonight.

    I'm still in the match as I'm typing it out. They aren't leaving the 3-gen, so I'm free to type lmao. They've picked up and dropped multiple people so that they don't bleed out rather than hook them.

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