Call of Brine, overcharge and skull merchant

These two perks were not a real problem, I do not get why have they been nerfed. I get that some killers can be quite territorial, but these perks are only a complement and not the actual issue. The slowdown effect they applied to generators wasnot that strong and could be easily countered.
The problem comes when a killer that encourages a more territorial playstyle appears. The Skull Merchant is the most representative of these right now, as her power can fortify a zone with ease and in a very efficient way, thus encouraging camping a zone with 3 generators pretty close to each other. It is frustrating to be forced to play like this in order to be as efficient as possible with this killer. Another killers that encourage a territorial playstyle may be hag or twins (depending on the situation), but these other killers have alternative ways to be played thanks to addons or the versatility of their abilities. Skull Merchant's power does not work in any other alternative way sadly, and nerfing the perks mentioned before will not solve the problem at all, as the only way to fix this issue is a complete rework of the Skull Merchant's power so that it can suit a more entertaining playstyle, as a nerf would not benefit this killer at all and a buff would encourage the boring unfun playstyle of camping 3 generators.
I do not get why have they been nerfed.
They made holding 3-gen super easy and it's not really "earned" regression.
Skull merchant made it strongest, but there are other killers that made it really good.
Hag, Legion, Doctor, Knight, Wraith.
Some killers made it really broken, but it was strong on any killer. I could use Nowhere to hide, Eruption, CoB, Overcharge with any killer and it was really strong. There was not really way to deny it, no CD, I just have to kick gen. You can't be near gen to stop it, because I will see you with Nowhere to hide.
3-gen is still possible, but it's not that easy anymore.
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The strength of these perks appears when in good builds. By themselves they did little. Overcharge was not a huge deal for exoerienced survivors and Call of Brine does not tell you where are survivors hiding by itself. These perks were not strong, they could be easily countered: for COB judt tap the gen, for overcharge just do not miss the skillcheck and no problem at all, with good coordination these perks become small nuisances.
The problem, as I pointed out before, are killers that encourage a territorial playstyle rather than hunting down survivors.
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I disagree, CoB/OC enabled hyper defensive 3 genning on ANY killer.
The only regression perk that even compares was ruin before it was nerfed, all the killer had to do was push you off a gen, and it would start regressing. What kept ruin balanced is that it could be disabled, it wasn't a permanent solution.
CoB/OC, can't be disabled, the killer can just keep pushing you off gens and kicking them over and over again and regressing them for extremely long periods of time. Killers like skull merchant made this issue more obvious as it removes the need for surveillance and her lack of lethality lead to what was basically a hostage match. But if you were to try a similar thing on other top-tier killers, you would find that they are equally good at doing it.
If put CoB/OC/Surveillance on blight, for example, your insane mobility can easily be used to lock down an unbreakable 3 gen. The difference between skull merchant and blight though is that he's so good at getting hits that if a blight were to decide to do this, he would probably outright win the match within 10 minutes. This is because he could actually manage to down survivors before they escape the 3-gen.
When a skull merchant did it, she just plays defensive for 45 minutes because against a good team, she can only get a hit before the survivor escapes from the 3 gen. This creates a situation where she must choose between committing to chasing for the down and defending the 3-gen. However, a stronger killer like blight or a nurse need not make that decision, they just win instead. The build enabled the weakest killers in the game to delay for unreasonable amounts of time despite not having the lethality to outplay survivors in chases, and gave the strongest killers such an effective gen defense that they can't be beaten.
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Can't use CoB with surveillance since they both use the same color
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If the killer keeps pusing you from a generator simply go repair somewhere else, the killer will be distracted defending that generator, thus abandonning certain zones while the gen is regressing.
Then, to avoid a 3 gen on other killers the only thing needed is a strategy to repair so that the last 3 gens are not close to each other, if the killer is a problem just distract him while the others repair the gens there a bit, it is difficult but with good coordination and a good team it is possible.
Skull Merchant is the real issue here, this killer's power is what encourages a territorial playstyle, fortyfying an edge of the map with the drones is the most effective way to play her if kills are wanted. That is why a rework is needed, her power seems to be built around and only for this strategy. Other killers have the option to play differently in order to squeeze the most out of them (and then there's hag, who has counter and is slow). The fact that this got more notice after the skull merchant's arrival speaks for itself.
And about your blight example, that build does not work, as survrilance and CoB use the same aura colors, so surveilance is being wasted there. Plus, those regressions can be stopped, and kicking a gen makes a killer loose time, I assure you. Just hide well and tap the gen, repair while the killer is distracted and if the killer decides to hold a 3 gen, then this is a standoff to see who has more patience. You could try annoy them a bit so that they make a mistake. But most killers, as I said before, encourage survivor hunting/chasing so if they want kills they'll have to leave that area.
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huge deal for exoerienced survivors
well, that's also an issue. You don't really want to have noob stomper perks in the game.
Call of Brine does not tell you where are survivors hiding by itself
That's why you use it with Nowhere to hide
they could be easily countered: for COB judt tap the gen
I could see you there and chase you away, you also need to hit that skill check from overcharge
are killers that encourage a territorial playstyle
Well, it's simply type of killer. Not every killer should be anti-loop/movement killer. Nothing bad about it. Trapper was first for this type, but he is also weakest from them.
By themselves they did little.
That simply doesn't matter. Noone used those perks alone. The combination of those perks was the issue.