Remove End Game Chat

Why does end game chat exist? In this community, with its known and blatant toxicity, It should simply be removed at this point. Give some reaction buttons or something. GG, a happy face, a sad face, whatever. At this point it just BREEDS negativity, from both sides and its pointless and sometimes for some people, hurtful. Its full of racism, genderism, homophobia, all of it. Get rid of it.


  • HansLollos2
    HansLollos2 Member Posts: 250

    Why not just ignoring it? The Endgame Chat isn't a Pop-Up or something.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 799

    I don't think it needs to be removed, and we already have the option to disable it if it's that bad. (Just click on the speech bubble next to that little box where we type.)

  • jessiejanemuerto
    jessiejanemuerto Member Posts: 12

    Honestly had no idea that was a thing, in 3500 hours of pc dbd. But still dont think its a necessary evil at this point. Its almost always bad.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    IDK about u, but most of my end game chats are positive (playing both sides). Especially recently it feels better then before (no idea why that's the case though).

    I am not saying there's no toxicity, but "ggs" start to become norm and "ez" starts to become exception.

  • jessiejanemuerto
    jessiejanemuerto Member Posts: 12

    Complete opposite experience, and we both know the negative goes waaaay further than "ez". I play both sides as well, but mostly survivor, and killers get it the worst.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    All I can say is, that we do have different experience. But I agree with you that the negative can go way further then just "ez".

    One thing I also noticed is, that it's very much possible soloQ would argue among themselves more then at killer. And if the recent trend continues, then there will come a time where survivors will get more flame (from killer and other survivors) then killer itself.

    But again. This is just personal observation/experience.

  • jessiejanemuerto
    jessiejanemuerto Member Posts: 12

    I have seen survivors go at each other as well, and thats never pretty either. As far as just using the button to hide the chat, that works I guess for that end game providing you click it before someone goes off, but as soon as you play again, its back. You have to hide it each time and with that being the case, someone who is actually hurt or triggered by it has likely already seen the "damage".

    It doesnt bother me personally, Ive played entirely too much of this game to even care, but this game also has a vast array of different ages, backgrounds, lifestyles, social/mental capabilities etc that play it. Ive seen people get pretty upset and hurt, and thats pretty sad for those guys, which is why were(I'm) here.