Demo skin

Frys_Dog Member Posts: 92


When in the endgame screen, while playing as Demo with the p3 (p6 now i think) cosmetics, it shows the skin much more clean? than in the actual game or in the killer selection screen, i don't know if this is a bug or it's just me making things up, sorry if this is not an actual bug and i've make you lose some time

Play as Demo and end a match

I've just realized in a public match so i tried again in a custom and it's the same, i don't know about other skins

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  • some_guy1
    some_guy1 Member Posts: 691

    you're making things up, they're the same

  • Mondhirsch
    Mondhirsch Member Posts: 216
    edited May 2023

    I think they actually use different Models/Textures in the lobby and in the match.

    That's why some bugs only occur on one or another side.

    For example:

  • useruw2v
    useruw2v Member Posts: 2

    It's the same skin, it's just the lighting effects that give the illusion of a different skin.