Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Design Ideas for Trapper

Had several ideas about possible design changes that could make Trapper more fun to play and less reliant on map RNG! Not all of these are mine, but rather the product of discussion about the topic with people who (frankly) know far better than me. If you have any ideas yourself, feel free to share in the comments! All I want is the faint hope that someone at Bhvr can see it, and maybe hatch an idea that eventually leads to changes for my boy.

-Rework trap placement; instead of being placed directly on the contact point, trapper's brute strength lets him forcefully bury them partially in the ground such that only the Teeth and a small portion of the little side handles pokes up above the ground. However, their color also changes to contrast slightly with the ground texture of whichever map is being played on (so they don't become practically invisible, especially on darker maps). The green that changes their color reverses them to their original color regardless of map.

-Traps no longer spawn on the map, instead Trapper must "reload" like Huntress at lockers; restoring his held traps to whatever his maximum held is. Once 8 traps are on the ground, reloading will take Trapper to his maximum held traps -1 (so 1, or 2 with Trapper bag). Placing a 9th trap disarms and destroys the oldest trap on the map. Trapper Sack is removed, new purple added that applies Hindered to trapped survivors for a short period after they escape.

-Bloody coil injuries apply his debuff addons (such as deep wound, mangled, and the above new purple)

-Meme addon changed to instead be a brown that increases his trap limit to 9.

-Coffee grounds duration increased to 10 seconds.

I think these would all be good changes for him to increase his reliability so his wins and losses are not a flip of the coin and give him some more "true" options for his addons (many of which never see play because it's rare for a survivor who escapes a trap to care about any of the debuffs they would apply).

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