Spirit has some broken add-ons, some mediocre, and some useless ones. Let's fix that π

Currently, Spirit is a killer which can become stale to play as and against. To allow more build variety, I've aimed to diversify her playstyle as much as possible. If you have a cool idea or suggestion please write it here, hopefully the devs will see this and transform Spirit in a more enjoyable killer to play as and against. See you in the fog! π
Don't get what you are looking to do with the duration. You put the yellow duration down to 10% and have recharge with it also going down. If it simply is going from 20->10% then it is the same as the brown duration. If you are putting 10% recharge with it then it stays the same ratio of 1:2.5 that current yellow duration is. Which then makes zero sense why you would run purple duration which is also a 1:2.5 ratio but also makes you 10% slower.
10% recharge-15/1.1=13.6 So 13.6 seconds to fully recover from your power 1:2.72 ratio
10% duration and 10% recharge-13.6/5.5=2.47 1:2.47 ratio
20% duration is 15/6=2.5 1:2.5 ratio
Base movement speed seems busted. Don't see why players wouldn't run that with charge speed or ms and play tiles as a m1 killer and then use the speed to stop the survivor from getting to the next tile. Also, the reason they make 110% killers is to force them to use their power at loops for hits. Removing this on Spirit doesn't really make sense.
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Delete her is what I would want shes annoying , I take a nurse to beat me in 10 seconds vs an average spirit. I can at least predict when to juke a nurse but a spirit with her so call audio queue (is not useful of knowing where she is coming) so even using headphones like some people say does not help and I dont play on pc so big no no. She should have got that second nerf where she kicks up dust when phasing.
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This is a good point you've brought up, I've got a bit confused as in-game description shows Duration+Recharge on Yellow, yet the Brown one shows only Duration. This list is only a suggestion, they could make the Yellow 15% or alternatively lower the Brown to 5%.
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Yea that text isn't suppose to be in the game. I tested the duration and it is still 15 seconds, so seems like someone forgot to remove the text when they were testing the 20% reduction for duration. The solution for duration is to make it stay at the 1:3 ratio. So for yellow duration it should be 6s of power and 18s to fully recover.