Do someting about hard tunneling for once

Mr_Digi Member Posts: 151
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

Note that i say Hard tunneling.

tunneling when nothing else it logical to do is one thing, but now days every game is: Game starts, Killer find one guys and insta tunnel them out of the game. with 5 and 4 gens left... I recently came back to the game after a break, but i'm about to go back on another break because its just not fun. And tbh, judging by the steam reviews where 50% is negetive, i think its really time to stop releasing new chapters and actually focus on game health. I know you are money hungry, but money will go away if you dont do anything to fix the current tunnel meta

People posting pictures of instaheals pretending like it happens every game. Who you think you fooling?

Tunneling at 4 gens actually happen every game. every day. And please note that i says at 4 or 5 gens. and people think they cant tunnel when nothing is left to do. But sure, i'll start to play like ######### to killers, and bring all i have of bnp's and instaheals. and when i'm all out, i'll uninstall the game, because when i dont have instaheals and bnps. its not a level playingfield according to you guys posting pictures.

Post edited by Mr_Digi on


  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    I'm fine with being tunneled out because the killer will in fact have to accomplish it and I am going to defend myself with every tool at my disposal. The real issue with tunneling is the crap MMR system. If you're being teamed up with a Dwight with 50 hrs and the rest of the team are far more experienced. Of course that Dwight is going to be tunneled out because they should not be in a match with players with 2k hrs, even 1k hours or 500 hrs. Killers will continue abusing it because they are easy prey and it doesn't make sense not to tunnel them out because they're basically defenseless.

    Slugging and face camping are the real cancer in this game. Those need to be looked at long before tunneling.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    What are you wanting to change for SWFs? The devs literally can't balance around out of game actions. How do you make up for the potential of coordination between teammates in VC? Making perks and items scale down just because someone decides to play with friend group is a recipe for disaster, same with scaling killers up. Killers do need buffs, but like there isn't anything I think they can do for us that directly addresses SWFs. You want them to basically put malware in their game so they can disable everyone's VC programs of choice?

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    They won't fix it cause there's no way to fix it, you're just surrounded by killers who want ez wins, let them have it so they can start finding some people who can play the game(while also using discord) to show them how 0 skill they have on actually playing killer.

  • Training_bag_for_pro
    Training_bag_for_pro Member Posts: 15

    I apologize in advance for the message in the translator. I wanted to ask all those who complain about the killers what do you propose to do when they gave me 3 genes for the first chase and the last 2 for the second (I don’t need an excuse, it doesn’t happen every time forget it and move on and the like because it happens practically every second game) lately I have never played against solo, I have played against tournament winners many times in a row and every time the situation described above happens, and the funny thing is that your tunneling is very, very easy to counter, look at a couple of such games and you will see that even with mana tunneling they may not make a single kill simply because survs have 1000 and one privilege and ask for even more

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    It's not about playing efficiently itself it's about how boring playing efficiently currently is (hard tunneling) bc of how the game is balanced, if playing efficiently meant spreading hooks or whatever nobody would complain and anyone who did would be wrong

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    So, with an overall kill rate over 60% you still have a problem with 4 survivors escaping once in a while, do i get that right?

    Because the kill rates are facts we know about. How high should the average kill rate be, in your opinion? And what outcome of an even match would you propose?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I still want to see some kind of desperation bonus for survivors when one is killed.

    Something to make the swing from 4 survivors to 3 less swingy

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 762

    The number of kills is not equal to the number of victories

    you do not take into account the fact that there are many stupid losses, for example when some survivor afk or kills himself on 1 hook

    and even so, there are some maps where the overall level of KR is 40%

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Well the number of no kills is not equal to the number of losing...

  • Phenomenal_Ox
    Phenomenal_Ox Member Posts: 50

    you are comparing two different things gen progress and hook status if you leave a gen with a 50% progres killers have the option to make it 0% can survivors make their hook status from 2 to 0 ? 🤔

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,307

    Revert DS as it was before the nerf.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Would love getting some incentives to not tunnel. Until than, why shouldn't i?

    3 kills are a win, the entity doesn't care what really happens in the game. Nor do i about the survs and vice versa.

  • NoHookDC
    NoHookDC Member Posts: 234

    Except both things are how each side wins, so they are the same thing.

    And your question makes 0 sense.

  • Phenomenal_Ox
    Phenomenal_Ox Member Posts: 50

    you implied that both sides "tunnel" so you compare them at the first place which it doesn't make sense for me either

  • Kamartins
    Kamartins Member Posts: 39

    Plenty of killers don't camp or tunnel and win because they're playing against potatoes or solo q. Content creators do the same because they take the game seriously because it is their income, unlike most of the player base who are bad at the game and don't take it seriously.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    If hard tunneling often leads to easy 3~4K, shouldn't it be more encouraged to do so?

    Even there are matches more than 2 survivors escape with hard camp, tunnel scenarios.

    Removing single survivor quickly has always been important to killer and whether you like it or not, that's killer's choice to play.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    The community have given terrible ideas, that got shut down by the community itself or sometimes the devs come out and say they tried it and it didnt work.

    as for the rest they can't buff killers blindly, otherwise it goes back the balancing mess from few years ago.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    If they do want to remove Tunneling from the game then they need to change up the foundation of the game

    Like give Survivor different running speeds... and traits

    Dwight: 3.8 M/S... but boosts Gen speeds by 10% (or whatever number works)

    Meg: 5.0 M/S... but can't recover from Exhaustion for 15 seconds after using it

    Claudette: 4.2 M/S... but can heal others faster (10% or whatever works)

    ETC... I don't want to do it for all of the Survivors cause I don't know them as good as others and they might overlap at some point...

    Perks would need to be changed big time for that to actually work... and Maps (but those need to be changed anyways)

    Items and Addons would need to be thought of outside of the vacuum

    They also need to stop with the whole Hockey thing and think if this game like hide and seek... it makes more sense

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    tunneling was way less prevalent before bbq lost its BP bonus. just saying.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Do you know the story about the sun and the wind having a bet?

    Give killers a huge buff for not tunneling that is better than tunneling and they won't. It's really that simple.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    Nah, It will create a meta for the best survivors and you'll see only these survivors.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Imagine if hooking a survivor that has never been hooked gives all survivors a 9% penalty to all actions for the rest of the game if no one is dead at the time of the hook (the penalty stays forever).

    Killers will actively hunt out at least three players and hook them for that juicy 27% slowdown from 3 hooks and zero perk slots.

    It has to be at least 9% because hooking one player 3 times is just 25% slowdown for the survivors (and is far easier).

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    And why would that be a problem... it happens on Killer

    And players tend to like certain Survivors... just like Killers

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    "What are you wanting to change for SWFs? The devs literally can't balance around out of game actions."

    You most certainly can because most MOBAs do. They limit how many people you can play with unless it is a "team only" match.

    Add the rule : no character/item/offering/perk repeats in a SWF.

    That makes solo queue have an advantage over SWF.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    People will always tunnel so long as it wins games, even if not tunneling wins games even harder

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    It's the same in R6 Seige and other games.....those who take the game seriously or okay as a income have skills way higher than your average player.

    Heck even I'm R6 playing ranked will get those players who will ta k thier rank/MMR to just play against lower skilled player. Is usedy tracker on some peeps the other day and found out 3 of them ranked in the top diamond rank while I was ranked in copper

    What I'm getting at is DbD is not special with these types of players and there is nothing Devs can do to stop them. Every patch it's either big nerfs to Killers and good buffs to Survivors and then next patch they see the balance is tipped to far and they do the's a never ending cycle.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,699

    You wanna make not tunnelling better than tunnelling?

    Nerf tunnelling. Bring back DS.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,255

    I'll tunnel you good

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Mobas are inherently different types of game with very different design concerns so a solution that works there can't just be copy/pasted to DBD and you know that.

    People also aren't going to accept being told they can't run their builds because someone else in their squad is also running the same build. While you'd solve one problem you'd introduce another while still not solving the strength issue of SWF compared to solo because again. You can not balance the game around outside of game actions. SWFs aren't simply strong because they can stack builds across a team. They are strong because they have access to real time communication that doesn't depend on their proximity to each other in game. SWFs are just as strong perkless as they are stacking builds and solo players are never going to to be able to match that sort of strength. You can get pretty close with the new HUD and using info perks, but there isn't anything that can fill the gap that remains other than adding voice comms in game.

    You want to make the playing experience worse for people simply because they chose to play with their friends. Games usually don't function like that for good reason. Even in LoL they don't change the balance of the game they just limit the amount of teamplay advantage you can bring into ranked. They cap how much of a disparity in rank you can have between yourself and your teammates which is standard practice for all mobas. Yet, they know this system has flaws as people will make smurf accounts to play with their friends in lower ranks, but outside of a smurf purge every once in while if they can confirm that someone in plat or diamond is playing in iron nothing about the game changes.

  • Wilx
    Wilx Member Posts: 99

    I've never really thought the Devs would do anything about tunneling, until recently.. Now I'm pretty sure they will at some point.

    I don't mind a tunnel every now and then, but recently (especially since last update) about 8 in 10 matches are a hard tunnel and that's not healthy for the game nor what the Devs want, I imagine. If either side exploit something too much, history has shown that those in charge are not afraid to do something about it..