Add breakable walls next to more windows

Sometimes, map RNG can create window setups that are near-impossible for the Killer (Particularly M1 Killers) to beat. Too powerful for the Killer to waste time getting looped on it, but too close to important generator(s) for the Killer to simply abandon that section of the map.
This can either lead to a 3gen stalemate when the Killer doesn't want to let the gens go but can't get a down in a reasonable timeframe, or to the Killer simply losing outright to map RNG.
Windows inherently have more potential to be problematic than pallets (Which is how The Game manages to be a Killer-sided map despite being incredibly pallet-dense), because Survivors can use a window up to 3 times per chase, with no hard limits on how many times they can use it per match.
With that in mind, I think we should standardize placing breakable walls next to any window that's strong enough. Garden of Joy's main building, Haddonfield, Shelter Woods and Killer Shack jump to mind.
Well there’s always bamboozle but I agree a lot of annoying loops that favor survivors exist
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Well, sometimes even Bamboozle isn't enough. Sometimes the Window is so strong that the Survivor only needs one vault to waste a huge amount of the Killer's time. And sometimes it can chain into more windows.