Will the terrain become more detailed and less flat?

I've always wondered if DBD would ever have a more natural looking ground for their maps. A ground that's more in-depth instead of dead flat. I'm probably the first to ask this hahaha. I've played the game for 4k hours and I've always thought about this. Figured I'd share it. Maybe others have thought about it too.
Blight players are gunna love you for suggesting this. His bounce detection on flat surfaces can be inconsistent already. The Swamp maps and that artist map have changed in elevation that can be problematic for him.
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That's true. To make the ground more in-depth without messing with the game, we could have piles of leaves and sticks without collision so it doesn't mess with the game like what you said. No elevation needed. We just need some things above the ground texture so the maps don't appear as flat as they do now.
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Or just make the terrain more detailed but have the collision of a flat surface.