There was absolutely NOTHING mentioned for killer gameplay or accessibility improvements!

There was absolutely NOTHING mentioned for killer gameplay or accessibility improvements!
Let’s review the scoreboard:
Survivor gameplay and accessibility improvements:
1) Survivor HUD
2) Visual Terror Radius
3) Anti-facecamping
4) DC Survivor bots
Killer gameplay and accessibility improvements:
0) Absolutely nothing!!!!!!!
BHVR does not see killers as legitimate players.
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Let's complain about good changes because we didn't get what we wanted.
Definitely a mature response
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Imagine complaining about some good changes.
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DC survivor bots is something helping killers though?
also, they didn’t announce visual tr in last years anniversary stream as well so there is still unannounced stuff coming this year
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Rancid Abbattoir and Cowshed are getting reworked =o)
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And plus they announced 2 survivor-sided maps will be re-balanced. But they ignored that fact as well.
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My man is getting styled on by bots.
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If you lose against Bots, you are 100% the problem and not the Bots.
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You are not telling me bots are playing better than you, don't you? Or do you? 😶
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It’s still an improvement specifically targeted for survivors.
How is the world is that comparable to features like survivor HUD, especially when everyone knows killer-sided maps will also get targeted in the future?
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They didn’t mention ANYTHING about killers.
Survivors whining about getting face camped: fixed!
Killers with legit issues, such as older killers needing reworks, addons needing reworks, etc: ignored!
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POV: You completely missed them saying they're messing with Coldwind maps.
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Survivor HUD? It just helped solo survivors a bit. It did not even make big change. Solo-q is still the worst exp in this game. And you are seriously complaining about it?
And plus, maps should be balanced for both sides. So all un-balanced maps needs to be looked. Next.
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Again, that doesn’t count as a killer only gameplay improvement, when we all know killer-sided maps will also get targeted in the future.
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"It’s still an improvement specifically targeted for survivors."
Not really. If they play like the Bots in Custom Games (which is most likely the case) they just give the Killer more points, but wont really be helpful. Once a Survivor DCs it will still be a 3v1, if there is a headless chicken in form of a bot or not, it will not change much.
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Not to fully side with the other side (since i think their wrong) but shadowborne is still a perk that exists. Wish theyd finally give that as accessibility to killers.
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BHVR won’t even comment on the short M1 tap bug, that can steal hits from the killer. Is this an intended mechanic?
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Oh really?
Uh boy i can't wait for the day those updates to hit PTB/live, the forum will once again be pure entertainment.🍿
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Complaining about Bots that replacing DC players is a new level...People are getting used to 3v1 games.
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BHVR needs to add a FOV slider for killers, yesterday. Im tired of wasting a perks slot so I can not get motion sickness. Flashlights were changed due to health concerns so the precedent has been set by bhvr to step it up.
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Soooo...where's the Survivor QoL announcements? I'm not seeing any on this roadmap.
Fact of the matter is, you have zero idea what they have planned. Neither the HUD rework nor the Visual TR are listed on the Year 7 Roadmap. I know for a fact that the colorblind settings weren't listed either.
It stands to reason that they wouldn't list any planned Killer QoL updates here either.
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Killer gameplay and accessibility improvements:
What do you want?
Survivors get gameplay and accessibility improvements because there are lots of ways the game can be improved for survivors.
The only real suggestion out there for killers if field of view.
Some killers should get balance attention, and some maps should be looked at, but those are balance questions. If we're discussing gameplay what is that killers could get that would make it a better gaming experience.
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"clearly don't care about the role"
Why'd they make a new Killer then? Why spend so much time fixing Nurse? Why balance any of the Killer perks? Complete hyperbole.
You aren't gonna sit there and genuinely tell me that facecamping is something that should be left alone, are you? Like, c'mon. Is it a buff? Yes. Is it going to be meaningful? I don't know, it's hard to say without actually seeing it on the PTB.
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So apparently another gamewide new mechanic, that once again is exploitable (despite not even needing to be) is equal to two specific maps, that should never have been in their state to begin with, being locked at.
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With the current state of the game, camping is needed if you want a 3/4k against a decent group. They have continually erased gen defense perks. I’ve been playing for 5 years and this easily the most dull killer has ever been. It seems like it’s about to get even worse.
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For someone like me who suffers from sensory overload, I want a reduction of noise alerts. Survivors constantly fast vaulting is brutal.
Chase music is already too loud on some killers as is and all of them should be changed to the same volume. Chase music should not drown out all other sound. I have a friend who is vision impaired and needs to hear survivors to play. (he only has one eye)
FOV is the thing I need the most right away as I actively am forced to waste a perk slot just so i can enjoy the game without feeling like I am going to lose my lunch.
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And isn’t the bot replacements something many killer mains here asked for?
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I think FoV, better controller settings and fixing the audio issues would be pretty much all the QoL I could think of for Killer's as a whole.
Oh, and getting rid of the stupid hook bubbles. But that's kinda something that Survivors and Killers want.
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I forgot about the hook bubbles. TBH i hate them on survivor too. I think those bubbles are something everyone can agree needs to be changed.
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They should definitely add a Killer equivalent of TR heartbeat, but for worked gens. That way for Deaf/HoH (or the more common, when audio is bugging out) players can tell a gen is being worked when they are in range of it supposed to be audible. Since Survivor's is a heartbeat in their chest or center of the screen, I'd say an option for transparent offset from the center, and on the gens remaining icon are the best spots. Many Killers need to aim their basic attack or special attack, so the transparency helps not block, but also offset from the center, so it doesn't cover Huntress/Deathslinger aims.
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Fair enough:
Reduction of noise alerts: I could see that, that not sure I'd trust BHVR to code it well.
Chase music: Standardizing killer music volumes, got it. I feel like a lowering of chase music volume would be a pretty substantial buff to killers, but I say that as someone finds tracking survivors by sound really easy in the game currently.
FoV: Honestly surprised they haven't done this given the number of complaints. Has BHVR ever said why they haven't just done this? Feels like it would be at most a minor buff to killers.
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Wait, did they announce they're finally getting rid of Favor The Killer? Moving hit authority (not to be confused with limited validation) to the server, would be a welcomed change! Right now every killer benefits from a perpetual network advantage in every trial over every survivor.
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Did you mean decent teams should not have 2 escape?
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I don't think that making loud noise notifications off of rushed actions be limited to three per X seconds is a bad idea.
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They havent said anything about it. However with the changes to flashlights due to health concerns the precedent has been set and they have no valid excuse. Gameplay balance issues was not an excuse for flashlights and it is not an excuse for FOV.
Not all killer music needs to be lowered. Just standardized. Some killers chase music completely drowns out the hatch which, the hatch is loud as hell.
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Oh God, I've also been here for 5 years.
Also, no, you don't have to facecamp to win. That's just not how the game works right now, sorry.
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You have to play defensively to win since too many areas of the map are unplayably bad for the majority of killers. It is boring.
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Wait, a 3v1 is better for survivors than 4v1 with one bot as a teammate? How does that logic work?
Bots do sit on gens every second they get. They won't be as good as a player could potentially be but it's still a big improvement.
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"Bots do sit on gens every second they get". Ever played custom games with Bots? They play like brand-new Megheads.
There is no difference between a 3v1 or a 4v1 with one Bot. Except that the Killer can get more BPs.
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I have actually. And I've also played against bots to get accustomed to some maps. They are better than nothing as they do progress the game.
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Def lacking reading comprehension. There's no mention of bots being good in chase besides avoiding nemesis whips. Bots can blind you instantly. Maybe you would know if you actually played against one. The lack of brain of some people.
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Bare minimum, survivor bots should be counted as a bonus for both sides, not purely a survivor advantage. A survivor DCing robs you of another player to proc perks on, a kill to count for challenges, and any pressure you could get from downing and hooking them; it is better for the killer overall to get a bot to replace DCs, even if a 3v1 is technically the better outcome from a raw strength perspective.
Anyway, to the wider issue, I want to say this as gently as possible but I think you've kind of made this into a pet issue and interpret its absence as an active slight when it's really just that they haven't gotten far enough in it to announce it yet. It's not as though killer players have been neglected when it comes to overall changes, they've just done one accessibility change for survivors recently.
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You heard it here first, bots are OP.
😂 what a joke
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Playing defensively is different from facecamping
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Wasn't that what everyone was complaining about when someone dc'ed. They could get their adept
Wouldn't the bots help now with the killer getting their adept?
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He said it was lacking for killers, not complaining about what survivors got.
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idk man, some of the players I've went against... bots may actually improve the team lol.
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It's not really accurate to say there is no difference. Bots are decent little gen monkeys. Honestly they could end up being better then half of solo que.