reworking the wrong map

ok. i didn't want to say it but i think it is completely plain bhvr just doesn't pay attention any more. rework fractured cowshed. finally. good job bhvr. you have identified a horrible map. but there is nothing wrong with rancid abattoir. it's not a problem. you say two maps that are obviously horrible? i have never even heard one person complain about rancid. what abut beham? the map from hell. what about the game? where only stealth or a select few do anything but splinters? what about the dumpster fires that are red forest and shattered square? do you listen to anything? go ahead and remove this post. i know you don't want to here it anyway. i'm done with this anyway. just needed to scream it into the void before i leave
Let me guess?
Big Daddy Scott Jund huh?
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nope. don't even like him very much. does he have a stance on the map thing? just saying what i think is true for once
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Guess rotten fields is a fair map design then as it gets not touched :D
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thats one of the few killer sided maps in my opinion. i never seem to lose on it as killer and that shouldn't be the case.
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I was also slightly surprised by Rancid Abattoir being their second pick, but as long as Cowshed is being addressed, I'm fine with it. There's probably something they can see internally that makes that map look worse than it appears to the players, I guess?
Anyway, this community has a big problem with assuming that BHVR straight up don't care about any problem they aren't actively focusing on, and that's really not a reasonable assumption. There's more than two bad maps regardless of which two they picked, they can't do all of them at once.
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the fact that they stated that rancid was one of the worst maps and people were crying for it to be fixed just shows how far out of touch they are. they might listen to feedback but they aren't really hearing much.
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They don't even play their own game what do you expect? They just go off numbers instead of actually asking people with thousands of hours for input. They should be re-working Borgo, Garden, Badham.. and the list goes on and on. Absolutely clueless, wonder how it came to this.
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It was shown the fractured cowshed is the most escaped map and has the lowest kill rate. All gameplay shows that map sucked more.
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I only said that cause he said the same thing exactly what you said. He said that Rancid abatoir was not a bad map it’s the most balanced out of the farm maps. That’s why I assumed you watched Scott cause he said the same thing.
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I absolutely despise Rancid, the main building is just awful to play on.
So them taking a look at it is only a good thing imo.
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The main building isn't even a problem on that map. The issue that comes from the map comes from cow tree being near another tile that causes chaining. The problems on that map are the window placement and cow tree next to other tiles, not main building.
For main you break the wall and there isn't any real issue. You go face first into the only pallet on the main and the windows are fine. Rancid main hasn't been a serious problem ever since they removed the god window like 3-4 years ago.
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Yeah no i heavily disagree, the main building is a problem because of the amount of windows it has.
Even with a breakable wall, having 3 windows open like that is still just too much imo.
If they were to close off at least one of them, then i'd be more fine with it.
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I was excited because I thought they were to rework the swamp, that map is awful 😭
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Wait, isn't Rancid the one with the collapsed grain silo main building? The one generator spawn in the open section, then a single window with a breakable wall to its left?
I always get them mixed up, I thought that was Rancid Abattoir.
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I mean, they must have data that is telling them that these maps are sided one way or another.
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No, that's Torment Creek you're thinking of, Rancid Abattoir is this one.
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It has 3 windows but you can't really chain or loop them. I don't see how the amount of the windows really matter if you can't do the 2 main things that would make them a serious issue. The long window is mostly worthless outside of buying some time going to the other side of the map unless you have massive distance on the killer to loop it. The windows with the breakable walls are fine unless you get the window chaining into a long wall jungle gym window. What makes them a problem for you?
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Okay, actually, I'm kind of in favour of this one being looked at. It's not as strong for the survivor side, but it's definitely kind of annoying a lot of the time.
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The thing that makes the windows annoying for me is that the single window with the long pathway is used by Survivors to keep looping it until it's blocked off, if you try and go the other way around to cut the Survivor off then, they'll just have gone the opposite way and be long gone by the time you get around.
The 2 other windows that's close to each other are frustrating because the window that's on the same front as the lone window on the opposite side of the main building, Survivors can literally just go to another loop since other tiles and loops are close enough to the main building for the Survivors to connect them with one another, not to mention that the window where you can't fast vault it from the inside can be connected with the window next to it even with the breakable door destroyed, if Survivors have enough distance on you, they can still do all of this.
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Are you taking the window on the long loop or are you going through the doorway? Because you should be taking the window if they are trying to loop that tile since the doorway is out of the way. I've literally never seen survivors entity block that window by looping it without massive distance already being had. The only way you can see survivors doing that is if you are going around the window instead of taking it.
I see survivor use the windows to get to another loop but never see them connect loops with the windows really. Like the corner window is more like Iron works of misery window where you just buy time getting somewhere else and the side window is meh since you really can't do much with it. Sometimes I'll see survivor get a single loop on the side window but it really seems like a non issue.
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We'll have to agree to disagree on it then, because i do see it as an issue.
I've seen Survivors entity block the window as well as seen them chain the windows multiple times even with myself vaulting the windows.
It's not even massive distance that's needed, just a fair bit, and if there isn't enough distance then they'll just go to the nearby pallet by the haystacks or the L walls that's closeby the main building.
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The only reason u have any problem there is, that you don't know u can hit survivors thru the fence (those white around generator). This information effectively hugely shortens the path for killer making it impossible for survivor to use for looping (it can only be used to move to more favorable section of map or by using pallets next to main - but those ate also not fully safe).
Try it yourself once. The map is strong around cow tree and shack. Main is usable, but not strong segment.
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The only real issue with the Game is the amount of safe pallets. Reduce amount of pallets, either in general or specifically safe pallets, and it would be my favorite map.
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Fence hits only works if the Survivor is right up against the fence itself on the other side of it, if there's any amount of space between the Survivor and the fence then it won't work.
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But there are choke points in there where survivor is forced to touch fence. There's 1 in every fence that matters
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His stance is basically the same as yours. Factured Cow Shed needed this, but they otherwise chose the wrong map to "fix".
Also tired of people that worship the ground Otz walks on saying someone is dumb when their opinion just happens to align with a different person.
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I agree Rancid wasn't a top priority in term of balance, but it wouldn't hurt to look at it. I'm just scared they'll make it worse, or "balance" it too much bc they think it's really bad and make it too killer sided in the process. I'd rather they work on maps which are hard to imagine could be made worse, but if it turns out the rework is good then why not.