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Does Autodidact’s speed boost apply to dying survivors?

DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

I know that healing a dying survivor won’t get you any tokens toward the speed boost as it doesn’t trigger skill checks, BUT I’m wondering if the penalty/bonus applies to healing dying survivors as well? I don’t see why it wouldn’t but you never know and I can’t find the answer anywhere. Thanks in advance!


  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 694

    I don't understand what you want exactly

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    I’m sorry. I’m a fairly newer player and after looking back at this perk I think I misunderstood how it works. Maybe you can clarify… does it only provide a speed boost while hitting skill checks or does it just boost speed overall once you have accumulated the tokens? If it’s the former then I see now it wouldn’t apply to healing dying survivors.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Autodidact doesn't have a speed boost per say, it just make skillchecks give a lot more extra health :) It works on any of your teammates including dying survivors, if you get lucky and get a skillcheck.

    The only times autodidact doesn't work are if you're healing yourself or if you're healing with a med-kit.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    Dying survivors trigger skull checks? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that. Thank you for your answer though!

  • Brandon48
    Brandon48 Member Posts: 136

    Yep all healing triggers skill checks so you can get autodidact value if your healing a dying or injured survivor. It just comes down to whether your lucky enough to get skill checks. Autodidact won’t effect you healing yourself though is the only difference.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 694

    And added in it, they said: When you succeed in examining the skill, the healing will progress immediately instead of gradually, and of course the percentage varies according to the number of Tokens that you have

    In other words, you can heal a dying survivor in 5 seconds if you have 5 tokens (Normal healing takes 16 seconds) and the same with the injured survivor "Any side effects that may slow down healing or are ignored"

    This perk needs work and patience. If you can do that, you may turn the outcome of the match in favor of you and your team.

    The problem with this perk is that it relies on luck to show you the skill check

    The chance of a skill check appearing in normal healing without perks or add-ons is only 15%