Pallet looping.. Subject looping ?

OxyReap Member Posts: 90
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Let's talk about every killers who prefer to kill themself instead of survivors after few minutes in game. (All killers except Nurse, hillbilly & Huntress).

How do you think we can improve them ?

Add some movespeed & less pallets with random location should be good for me. The bloodlust thing don't help that much since you need to chase for a long time first to triger it, and sometimes, the chase brake cause of the pallet stun sadly.

Please give your opinion.


  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    I don't think pallet looping is a problem. Let me explain.
    Killers have time against them. The sooner they will find a survivor and get them down, the sooner they will have one survivor less to repair the generators.
    A perkless middle tier killer (without map control), even against perkless survivors who can't pallet loop, will get gen rushed.
    So, to me, pallet looping isn't a problem. Balance is a big one tho.
    I think adding a 6th generator could partly fix it against a 4man swf,but then, top tier killers would be too OP.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @guest602 said:
    I don't think pallet looping is a problem. Let me explain.
    Killers have time against them. The sooner they will find a survivor and get them down, the sooner they will have one survivor less to repair the generators.
    A perkless middle tier killer (without map control), even against perkless survivors who can't pallet loop, will get gen rushed.
    So, to me, pallet looping isn't a problem. Balance is a big one tho.
    I think adding a 6th generator could partly fix it against a 4man swf,but then, top tier killers would be too OP.

    Pallet looping is a balance issue indeed.
    It was added to the game accidently because devs changed the surivor hitboxes which enabled all the looping #########.
    Yes as you described killers have time against them, so it is indeed a problem when a survivor can loop your for several gens (if he doesnt mess up he will be able to loop the whole game)

    We need separate queues for SWF and solo, this is the only way to adress the SWF problem if devs refuse the add ingame voice comms

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
    It’s kind of looping plus gen times that are against the killer. Unless you are the top three but even nurse gets get rushed the main issue is pallets and gen times. Though DS and SB are get out of jail free cards.
  • OxyReap
    OxyReap Member Posts: 90

    Yeah, the game is going on a way i don't like. Survivors are not afraid anymore of killers. They should hide when killer is nearby and not baiting you in infinity number of pallets. And when they got chased, pallet killer once and try to juke him with the line of sight before it's too late.

    It must be a killer mistake when a survivor escape, and not a survivor mistake when killer caught survivor. His mistake was to fail in hidding already.

    (sorry for bad english)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @OxyReap said:
    ** Yeah, the game is going on a way i don't like.** Survivors are not afraid anymore of killers. They should hide when killer is nearby and not baiting you in infinity number of pallets. And when they got chased, pallet killer once and try to juke him with the line of sight before it's too late.

    It must be a killer mistake when a survivor escape, and not a survivor mistake when killer caught survivor. His mistake was to fail in hidding already.

    (sorry for bad english)

    The game has been like this for 2 years. Have you been living under a rock?

    Actually not, the real bad games have started to grow in numbers about 1 year ago.
    Just too sad that devs listen to the community which consists 80% of survivors and most of them prefer a bullying game over a horror game

  • OxyReap
    OxyReap Member Posts: 90
    @SaltyKiller I'm playing since few months, I spoke about my experience of the game, more I push it, more it's frustrating