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The Game needs another pass

Gideon Meat Plant is in a pretty awful state and needs another looking at and adjusting. This map is insanely small and close quarters which I understand in most situations would favor killers. I am very aware of how bad that could snowball into being quasi-unwinnable if not handled carefully. Yet, this map being as small as it is has so. many. palettes. just far too many far too close together on top having very irregular loop structure due to being an indoor map. The map is also hyper dense with terrain pieces on just about every single tile which means some of these irregular loops are actually really long and difficult to negotiate when it also has a very strong safe palette that can sometimes chain into a tile with a god palette.

Breakable walls are also an issue as there are too many and so often a lot of the killer's time is wasted opening them while also needing to deal with breaking palettes because unlike other maps you can't really selectively choose to leave them down. There is rarely an option in this map where you can just sidestep a loop because of the relative safety due to the length of the terrain pieces that create the loop. You can gain effect speed even with bloodlust to actually overtake the loop. I'm not saying there should be no "must break" palette setups. Like back of stairs or near basement/shower or the upstairs shelving palettes are fine, but why are their palettes at drop downs, why is their a two palette chain upstairs above the shower room, Why is there 4 breakable walls on the bottom floor alone?

Please reduce some of the palettes and breakable walls on this map so it can be navigated in a timely fashion and not feel like such a pain. It's one of the best looking maps, but one of the worst feeling maps currently for killer. If you don't want to make any changes to the map at all can you at least get rid of map offerings so people can stop forcing me to there? Or just forcing maps in general because that honestly shouldn't be something either side can do, the game has neither the balance nor adequate counter to even facilitate that kind of decision and never has. There is a counter offering to block map offering, yes, but they are far less plentiful than map offerings and I need bp offerings more. Please just deprecate them and blueprints so only the entity decides the layout.

Also really please consider giving The Game another adjustment pass. I don't DC from games, but I'm actually considering starting to do anytime someone burns the offering for it because I can't stand going there anymore this anniversary.