Should Deep Wounds have some kind of skill check?

As is the only way to remove deep wounds faster is to have someone else remove it and I think we can all agree it's a bit dull. Would skill checks be a fair way to be able to remove Deep Wounds faster and make it more interesting?
do you seriously need to speed up the 12 second deep wound healing?
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Dead by Skillchecks
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Didn’t realize that Deep Wound was healed faster by another Survivor. How fast is it healed by another survivor, is it instant?
The problem with Deep Wound is that a self-sourced skill-check to make it go faster just cuts down off of whatever existing balance there is on its current timer.
Perhaps you could let Survivors interact with a specific map prop to seal/cauterize the Deep Wound, such that they could sit and mend to take up time, or they could run to a point, taking up time.
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Not sure how much faster, but if it takes 12 seconds by yourself I think it's like 8 seconds. Also, it doesn't even have to be skill checks make it heal faster, just more interactive. Maybe you get random skill checks with it that decrease the timer if you miss it and doesn't pertain to healing. I don't know, just an idea.
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I don't want doctor skill checks on my deep wounds honestly lol
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agreed BUT if that happens they need to also add a penalty outside of making just sound notifications when missing skillchecks.
like 3 to 5 seconds of instant - deep wound regression when Failing skillchecks to compensate.
(also this technically makes deep wound more interesting , when the survivor decides to not mend untill the last 3 seconds).
like "OOH sh*t I need to have more careful with my skill checks now otherwise I'll go down"
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Make it a trade off.
Want to solo that action? Sure! Noisy and risky.
Want to take time to be safer? Work as a team and organize.
A good player will be distinguished by making the right judgement call.
Right now it's just... aaaw shet... Legion hit me and ran away again... welp, better stare at a progress bar for a while!