
So today I actually thought about how great our killer played while still taking the L 3 escapes and 1 sacrifice. But realized the option to give a player "props" for good play. Upon thinking of the subject I wondered if that amounted to anything? The game doesn't explicitly tell you the player in question is gets anything out of it, so I'm left wondering what that option does. And with that I began to ponder, what if the props option can reward a player for good play with lets say BP or Iri Shards? I mean that's the basic currency of the game right? Who wouldn't want more of that? And to reiterate how it should work I think very similar to Overwatches endorsements feature, it rewards lootboxes but ofc that's not a thing In dbd so why not something that matters? Maybe a combination of BPs and Iri shards once at a higher tier for good consecutive play. Ofc there's gonna be no negative feature because the dbd community can be very selfish and toxic at times, but when those select few really appreciate killer or survivor play I think it'd be a great idea to reinforce positive feedback between sides to bridge the gap of discrepancies.