If no cross-progression, bring back/make new bloodpoint perks... Or something.

So I was doing the math. Say I moved to PC and started anew:
* My MMR increases rapidly, but my perk pool is shallow.
* Assuming I only play 100% bloodpoint modes when active, and assuming I have an average game (20k-30k), it takes about 40 games, or about 6-7 hours, to prestige one character (1.5M bp). That's multiple days if you're casual. And to get back to the high-mmr basics we're talking months.
* You shave that down to half that if you happen to be in a blood rush/hunt/whatever. That happens, what, quarterly?
* Bloody party streamers doesn't spawn frequently enough to make a difference, nor does survivor chili/escape cake or whatever. Events don't happen frequently enough and rewards are relatively small.
* All of this would be helped significantly by restoring the 100% bonuses of bbq and such... Or just give them their own standalone perk that only gives out the bloodpoint bonus.
And keep in mind this is someone who could hit the ground running. God help you if you're new to the game.
While it was cool to have, it was "overpowered" in such a way that it felt terrible not running, and BHVR does not want that
If anything though they could give territorial Imperative extra sacrifice points for hooking in basement, just to synergize with perks like beast of prey, distressing, and thrill of the hunt