Suggestion: Restrict perk combination (also /w certain killers)

Basicly the what the titles saids.
mostly preventing game breaking or problematic combinations
I can name 1 combination: "call of brine" + "overcharge" with like a few patches back, or this combination on the skull merchant with the current situation
why? because nerfing or buffing certain perks might weaken already "weak" killers or make "strong" killers stronger, with restrictions you dont need to change the perk and keep it "ok" for most killers, just restrict them on killers where it would be to strong
Yeah, they should just get better at thinking about what you can do with those perks.
This is lazy hotfix. It also makes it too complicated for new players.
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I don't see this being very viable given each side gets 12+ perks a year and about 4 killers a year. Coding all these exceptions would just be nightmarish to upkeep when allowing combinations and nerfing things if they get out of a hand is much simpler.
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Destroying killer perk synergy in the name of "balance"? That's a hard no from me