New Map

On the PTB I could't really test the map thoroughly because it made me sick and I got a headache when playing on it. That issue is gone now with the color intensity reduced. Thank you, BHVR! I really appreciate that.

However, after playing on it a few times I noticed that scratch marks are still very hard to track and the visual clutter is off the charts. The map looks stunning but from a gameplay perspective this is still troublesome. Singularity is awful on their own map because of all the LOS blockers and killers that need to manage hitboxes are screwed.

That last part isn't a new development but it is still an issue. I hope you'll find a way to make this a bit more forgiving (maybe slightly reduce the hitboxes so that killers won't bump quite as easy).

The overall loop strength looks quite fair to me and it seems like there aren't too many pallets either. That's definitely nice. Although, I haven't tested it with Zanshin Tactics / Windows of Opportunity yet.


  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 867

    Personally loving the new map as survivor, it's so vibrant, I can blend in with Jane's Prime summer outfit. But I am finding the shadows cast from the birds quite difficult visually, giving me some motion sickness. And there is a lot of noises on the map that is a bit too intrusive/distracting. I dread playing this map as killer.