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How do you counter Pig when she does this?

leowt Member Posts: 44

I’m talking about the scenario where your bear trap is activated and she sees you, but instead of chasing you off the box, she simply crouches and follows you. When she does this, you won’t be in chase so the timer still ticks. She’ll let you do the box but then down you right before you finish. She can either hook you again or carry you until you wiggle off, and then she can repeat it until you die. Isn’t that just a gg?

Best Answer

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,992
    Answer ✓

    Stay slugged, Survivors do all Generators and leave through the Exit Gates, leave you to go and get the Hatch when you are the final Survivor remaining, suggesting that they only want you specifically.

    Typically with Pig, you want to avoid revealing what boxes youve searched and which boxes you havent searched. Paying attention and avoiding heavily exposed Jigsaw Boxes can help with this, spreading your Jigsaw Boxes can sometimes help in these situations because they become harder for Pig to defend if they are aware of the remaining JBs you need.


  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    Unfortunately killers have more autonomy in this game and there’s not a great counter to that. The aforementioned comment may help but if she’s literally just going after you then her knowing which boxes you’ve searched won’t help. Just getting slugged isn’t great either because you could bleed out by the time everyone else escapes if no one rescues you and if they do she has the chance to just start the whole thing over. Plus, getting hatch while in the dying state is near impossible unless it spawns very close to you or killer gives it to you. The only good counter to this is to have a Pig who plays fair and spreads pressure rather than just tunnel you basically. IMO they need to remove her ability to see your aura when using the box because all it does is put an already vulnerable person in an extremely compromised situation. I’d even be okay if it was allowable with certain add-ons. When I play against her if I’m unwounded I will trail a survivor searching boxes to get in her way if she tries anything but that’s not alway effective.