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Made For This - Rework suggestion!

SlowLoris Member Posts: 288
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

🚩ISSUE: I think it's pretty obvious "Made For This" having haste that requires nothing to activate is a little silly. On its own, it's not HORRIBLY broken (still is, though), but it's clear when stacked with anything else it becomes rather silly.

📌PERK HEALTH: I agree that having new survivor perks to shake up the meta is exciting. I have about 6,400hrs in the game and play a lot of survivor and killer. I've never been a fan of perks that reward you for doing bad, or not doing anything. I.E NOED rewarding you for essentially failing to protect the objective, etc. However, things like HOPE or Adrenaline reward a survivor for completing the main objective and essentially being 1 or 2 perks short the entire match while possibly never even getting to use them.

🕵️‍♂️PERK IDEA: So, here is my suggestion. I think we can all agree that the single BIGGEST issue in Dead By Daylight is map balance. This is something that plagues every killer, but can make M1 killers struggle massively (I'm looking at you Father Campbell's shack window into long wall jungle gym window.) Punishing a killer for successfully getting an injury by giving a survivor 3 % haste makes no sense.

💡THOUGHTS: What if this perk rewards a survivor for doing good, but doesn't help a killer as much for relying on Blood Lust? While Blood Lust is unfortunately a necessary evil until map balance is actually truly addressed, some killers hard rely on it. While this can waste plenty of time for them, it feels truly terrible when you play well, but even at a safe pallet the killer refuses to break it, because in 35 seconds, they're going to go 15% faster. Sure, this often leads to them losing, but since tunneling is truly out of control right now, they can commit to a hard tunnel while Blood Lusting even the safest structures, because eventually they get the kill, and it can win the game for them if the rest of the team hasn't made enough progress due to it. Nobody likes losing when they play well, it feels terrible. With the massive amount of pallets that are on every map now, it's not unexpected for someone to sometimes hit BL1, etc and I don't so much care about that, but I do hate going against a mind numbing chase where a killer somehow isn't resetting Blood Lust while using their power, and they crutch on T2 and T3 (why does T3 even exist?).

So, what if we rework "Made For This" to reward a survivor for looping well and punish a killer for never breaking pallets they should break. After the Blood Lust buff it is VERY common for killers to not even try to mind game anymore and just hold W till they down you - the same as survivors pre-dropping every pallet, because they can't handle the reduced distance / or BL speed after the killer buffs last year.

Since map balance is being focused, and we can assume that will mean A LOT LESS PALLETS - let's reward survivors for taking a long chase, and the killer not ending chases quickly / mind gaming.

✏️ REWORK: If you have this perk equipped, you refuse to give up even when your adversary lusts for your demise. When the killer reaches each tier of Blood Lust, your will to survive increases and you are granted 50% of the killers increased haste. This haste is reset if you take damage, or end chase.

BL1 = 5% haste for Killer, so the survivor is rewarded with 2.5%

BL2 = 10% haste for Killer, so the survivor is rewarded with 5%

BL3 = 15% haste for Killer, so the survivor is rewarded with 7.5%

This would be a perk that rewards a survivor for taking chase, and solves BL3 being an instant win for someone. Whether that be them hard tunneling them and refusing to break a pallet, because they will eventually catch up due to the BL, or simply they're struggling in chase - they shouldn't be rewarded for doing poorly. Blood Lust is a fail safe for poorly balanced maps and it shouldn't be a crutch. However, this perk WOULDN'T completely negate Blood Lust for maps where it is needed, etc. However, if the killer does not hard rely on BL, then this is almost a useless perk. Most of the time someone randomly hits BL1, it's right as they're getting the hit anyway, so, the slight haste buff would not break that from still being a common occurrence.

📢PLEASE REMEMBER - The devs have stated that their focus this year is map balance, so if we continue to balance maps / remove pallets from maps that are pallet dense when they don't need to be - relying on Blood Lust will be even more ridiculous and usually mean you are against someone you probably shouldn't be.


  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Sad is this is still anti M1 killer, which I don't think is good thing.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    Keep in mind that the devs are focusing map balance this year and that SHOULD mean removing a lot of pallets. If that's the case, someone going over BL1 should be kinda crazy.

  • Seal_Massacre
    Seal_Massacre Member Posts: 22

    I will never stop saying this to killers that just hold W around pallets. "JUST BREAK THE DAMN PALLET!" And you don't need BL if you just run Brutal strength. I agree with this perk being changed to an anti bloodlust perk. I ran brutal strength and Legion for their month and I think I underestimated how good it actually is. By the time I broke the pallet I was still in chase with them. Most of the time you break the pallet you naturally lose the BL and lose the chase because the base break isn't fast enough. I always break the safe pallets. Knowing what pallets are safe and which ones aren't come with experience. 100% agree with this change too.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Not really.

    Map balancing doesn't mean result will be good.

    Pallets are not an issue, god windows are issue, there's where you have to bloodlust. You almost always have some.

    Your version on Garden of Joy would be hell to play against. Making already strong loop even more broken.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    Both are issues, to be fair. As I mention in my first post, Father Campbell's is the #1 offender of broken windows. Pretty much always shack will spawn with the window facing inwards (why not gauranteed edgemap facing?), and most of the time has a very strong tile in front of it. One of the worst being a long wall jungle gym with the window facing shack window.

    Again, this is a map balance issue that if they are truly focused on adjusting maps, SHOULD NOT be a thing in the future. If it is, then they have failed at balancing and if they are serious about focusing map balance this year and open to feedback, it would be addressed. If Blood Lust was only for M1/ranged killers, it wouldn't be such an issue, but ever since the buff it has been extremely buggy. Killers are supposed to lose BL when using their power, but they commonly don't (looking at you Wesker), so they continue to get faster while failing their power, but often killer powers are rather oppressive now, so if they're able to use a strong power like that, why are they rewarded with speed when they fail? If it's a tile they know they will struggle to use their power at, then simply be an M1 killer for that tile, but don't continue to fail your power until you magically get 15% faster.

    Also, keep in mind that if the survivor is hit, the haste resets, just like BL - or if the chase is dropped (to avoid abusing the speed with shift teching).

    Considering the most broken map in the game is Fractured Cow Shed and they have said that they are focused on fixing that next, I'm trying to look on the hopeful / positive side that since they know how broken that map is (they've even joked about it), that they will do their best to avoid what makes that map so broken and continue that philosophy with Garden, etc.

    Look at Auto Heaven. While it's not perfect, there is a lot of promise. Fix the window at main, then change pallet dispersal. It shouldn't be DEADZONE --> 5 pallets back to back --> DEADZONE --> 5 pallets back to back. Remove a small chunk of the pallets, so survivors are incentivized to not pre-drop and spread those pallets more evenly, so dead zones are not plentiful.

    Again, though, I stated this a lot in my post - this is all reliant on BHVR sticking to healthier maps. While I wasn't happy with the Eyrie balance, at least it was addressed, but it has the same issue of a bunch of pallets back to back, then lots of dead zones. Dead zones feel terrible, and so does having 4 pallets slammed in your face back to back without the survivor even looking behind them.

    I will give BHVR credit where it is due, recently they do seem to be listening. I've spent a lot of time providing feedback, bug reports and suggestions to previous patches and a lot of it felt ignored even when I put my heart and soul into it. However, after seeing them roll back the Pyramid Head buff that I truly felt would be unhealthy, then seeing them address the EMP issue so quickly, I'm going to give them a little bit of trust, even if I had almost given up after Skull Merchant release.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    That last part is important. "Knowing what pallets are safe and which ones aren't comes with experience". Knowing when it's a tile you should mind game, when it's one you should insta-break, when it's one you shouldn't break, etc...all comes with experience. I always suggest M1 killers for newer players, because they teach them to rely on their mind games and become better in chase. It teaches them what pallets will waste more time than its worth, etc. I'm not saying killers should quickly break unsafe pallets, etc, but knowing when they should break is something that people have stopped even learning over the last year. Same for survivors. They've stopped learning to loop and just rely on an abundance of resources on overstacked maps and they get away with it, because they can. I consider people who SHIFTW to each pallet --> predrop --> don't look behind them --> ShiftW to next pallet --> predrop to be as boring as a Bubba face camping me in the basement at 5 gens. Sure, a play style, but it's boring, miserable and makes the game just un-fun. Brutal is also a perk I pretty much never take off on certain killers. If I fail to use my power as Wesker, while recharging, I'll brutal break the pallet, then have my power ready to go. It's all about time management and unfortunately that seems to be lost on newer players.