Survivor HUD visual bug - Interaction icons not appearing

Nokuou Member Posts: 5

When interacting with an item like a medkit or an EMP (something that will have an icon pop up on the HUD) and then immediately switch to another action like a generator or a totem, the respective icons do not show up. It can appear as if a survivor is doing nothing on the HUD while doing an action.

Detailed video describing and showcasing the bug:

Platform : PC

This bug is recreateable 100% of the time using the method below.

Re Creation:

1 - Have an EMP or a Medkit in your hands. (be injured if you choose to use a Medkit.)

2- Place yourself right next to an interactable object like a Generator, Totem, or Chest - within interaction range.

3- Quickly tap the EMP or Medkit and then interact with the interactable object.

4- Notice that the Survivor HUD does not show any indication of the survivor preforming that action.

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