Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Thoughts on Trapper from a P33 Trapper Main

In hopes of creating a constructive discourse on Trapper's current state in DbD, I wanna preface this by saying I've been maining Trapper for 5 years casually now, and I'm crazy enough to run Padded Jaws purely for the extra Deviousness points, which I have been doing for a while. I mainly play on Switch and have been for two years running, clocking in at least over 1200 hours (with 180 hours on PC when I first started out on a low end rig and a dream).

Now that I've got that out of the way, let me start by saying the changes BHVR has done with Trapper over the years have all been steps in the right direction.

  • Decreasing the time it takes to set a trap was definitely a good change, making it so you can set traps mid-chase and shave off time it took to use your power.
  • Making it so traps can only be disarmed and not destroyed anymore was absolutely a great change, kinda glad I didn't know about this game in that timeframe (fun fact: I got into this game in 2018).
  • Able to reset traps instead of having to pick them up again, another good change. This also shaved off time it took to use Trapper's power, so if you like a trap spot that's really good, this allows you to keep it there.
  • Standardizing the RNG on escaping bear traps was a solid change, as I won't be often running into instant escapes on my power and making the trap not that impactful at all.
  • Carrying about two traps at base - absolutely my favorite change I've witnessed ever since playing DbD, allowing me to not have to rely on add-ons to play my favorite killer effectively.

All in all, very good changes so far, though if I were in charge of making a theoretical buff to Trapper, I'll go ahead and list what I'd add as well as some brief reasonings as to why.

  • Have bear traps that spawn in the map spawn near the center area of the map: the purpose of this is also to shave down time it takes to set up the board with your power, as it takes a lot of time to go all the way out in the corner of the map to grab a bear trap to use it somewhere else. Having them spawn near the center would make them more accessible to the Trapper player.
  • Do something about the Tar Bottle add-on: Here's a possibly hot take, but I think the Tar Bottle is one of if not Trapper's weakest add-on (yes, even weaker than Padded Jaws because at least you can farm STBFL stacks on trapped survivors), as what ends up happening is you become limited on where you can place your traps due to how the black can stand out on maps like Ormond, Eyrie of Crows (which is already one of Trapper's worst maps in my humble opinion), and other maps that make the black colored bear traps stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe making this add-on cause the traps to blend better on the realm would be a stretch on the programming end, but it'd probably make this add-on leagues better than it is.

There's likely more things that I'm missing out on here, but these are the two big changes I would make to Trapper if he were to get any future changes. I don't know the impact these would have on his kill rate, but I can promise you one thing: I'm still going to be maining Trapper, because there is a whole new map of trap spots for me to discover and I'm going to get on that right now.

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  • Member Posts: 755

    There is a part of me that wants to see Basekit Buff to traps, in which the traps hide from a distance when placed. And that survivors need to walk and move closer to reveal the trap up-close. And maybe the Tar bottle addons can be buffed so that it takes longer, a second or two for survivors to reveal the trap. Just so that Survivors don't always call out traps with maps and they need to personally see the killer deploying them or even risk getting close to a trap location to find it and disarm.

    Another buff change to make Trapper bit stronger is give him a limited time movement speed increase for everytime a Trapper successful catches a Survivor in a trap. He could used the speed to either make it toward the trap Survivor location faster or while in chase and make quick play to catch the Survivor off guard in movement speed increase and get a possible hit/down on them.

    That and fix that nasty Disarm bug that SWFs can abuse; the one in which a Survivors can do the Disarming process and not finished the complete action, yet if the position themselves right, a teammate can walk through the trap while they are Disarming and get away without being caught. It like... Survivors are literally dropping a coat on a puddle for their fellow survivor buddy so they do not get wet, expect in this case; they can avoid be caught all together. Make it so survivors need to commit to disarm the trap and the other Survivors cannot walk through it; or make it impossible to go through the trap when another survivor is disarming and you get caught while.they are disarming it.

    Also I like your spawning traps in center treatment. It is a nice quality of life improvement.

  • Member Posts: 456

    Trapper main here as well. I would go even further. I feel Trapper should just spawn in with all traps in hand. I also feel iri stone in some form should be basekit.

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Iri stone effect would have to be nerfed a lot for this.

    For example it wouldn't trigger if there are 3 or more active traps on map etc

    That addon makes trapper good.

  • Member Posts: 755

    That would be too strong in my opinion, if anything thou... I do feel that maybe... Injured Survivors getting trapped by the traps and not getting any punish for it is bad, in my opinion. A healthy Survivors Falling for a trap gets injured, yes; but injured survivors don't get mended or even go down, like that honing stone effect which automatically puts survivors into the dying state regardless of the states.

    If they could Buff traps to inflicted some sort of penalty to injured Survivors, it would make them more mindful of stepping into traps in the first place and stay healthy. I would lean towards applying a mending status effect just to make it difficult to heal, but that it for a trap buff.

  • Member Posts: 125

    great idea, but i think that traps are not visible from a far just should be the new tar addon.

    spawning with all traps is a good idea but not the best way to change this i think.

    A better change in my opinion would be to have all the traps across the map activated from the beginning and then trapper is able to pick up and carry as many traps as he wants. This would give him a stronger start into the game.

    Yes, that injured survivors are not punished by stepping into traps is so frustrating. And hear are some changes i would like to have for this scenario:

    1. Just downing injured survivors if they get out of it.
    2. Decreasing the chances for a injured survivor to escape the trap.
    3. The injured survivor gets 5% hindered until healed.
    4. The Trapper gets 5% haste when a injured survivor steps into a trap.

    I think all of these would be a great thing for his base kit.

  • Member Posts: 755

    Glad you agree with me, on traps not being visible from a distance. It hurts the killer everytime you have to deal with a SWF calling out your trap locations from a distance, and alert the team on it location so it can be disarm/avoided, which ruins the element of surprise. Just making traps invisible, and making it take longer when getting close enough to it so you can unrevealed the trap itself; would be a great quality of change and make Survivor paranoid on whatever or not that is a trap. That, if they wanted to make a buff for survivor agaisnt a Trapper whom baits the Survivors to it in chase, they could make the Survivor in chase be able to reveal the traps regardless of distance, but no aura reading, since they will be desperate alert on both the killer and the trap location when in a loop.

    As for traps spawns, I am agaisnt Trapper being able to spawn with all of his traps at the start, as he is a setup Killer and he shouldn't be able to carry every trap without addon to make him strong. If anything, I would prefer traps spawn be much more centralized and not so in the corner of the map with no survivor activity and be hard to reach as it is outside a Gen patrol. Another change, instead of this one... Why make Trapper be able to pick up traps through any empty locker search similar to Huntress and Trickster. If a trap is spawn on the ground and is not actively arm, it can be despawn and simple teleport to the trapper's inventory through a locker pick-up animation, instead of going out of their way to go to the other side of the map to pick it up manually. (One of these two changes, will be huge quality of life improvement to Trapper when picking up traps and make them all constantly available to him)

    As for the last change regarding injured survivors going into traps.

    *Injured Survivors Falling for traps, should be penalized for the following effects when situation applies.

    *If they escape on their own while injured, they will be hit with the deep wound effect and need to mend, as well as a hindered effect until they heal up.

    *If by luck chance, the Survivors is already effect by deep wound (like they had used dead hard, borrowed time or any perk that protects them with the endurance effect) and they walk into the trap, and escape on their own. They will immediately go into the dying state. 😈

    *if a buddy survivors come to their aid and saved them, they will still be hit with deep wound, regardless of they were already injured and affected by deep wound beforehand, as their teammates help their teammates in a terrible predicament of a possible slug fest. It would be a good way to promote Aultristic plays and encourage teammates to get off the gens to saved their teammates more often with less penalties to the injured.

    *regardless of the injured states or not, the Trapper will always get like a 5 second 5% haste status effect for every successful trap catch they make. It rewards Trapper will good trap placement and given him a small reward to enter catch up to the trap Survivor or quickly end a chase they are in the middle of.

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