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Perk Suggestions


Went through the Perks in the game and stringed together how they interacted with game mechanics and how they did so.

The following are suggestions Perk ideas I concluded were lacking derived from that:

Survivor Perks:

A Perk that allows the movement/creation of Totems.

A Perk that allow Survivors to interact with their Blood Pools (EG: Throw a line of Blood the way you're facing while Injured).

A Perk that interacts with Breakable Walls in any manner.

A Perk that allow the limited and restricted creation/rearrangement of Pallets.

A Perk that allows the movement/creation of a Chest.

Killer Perks:

A Hex Perk where the Curse effect spreads across Survivors like a plague.

A Perk that allows the movement/creation/direct interaction with Dull Totems.

A Perk conditional on Blood Pools (EG: While standing still for 2s near a Blood Pool you see the Aura of the nearby Survivor for 4s)

A Perk that allows repair progress redistribution of a Generator (Akin to how Potential Energy allows progress consolidation, but the opposite)

A Perk that relocates Scourge Hooks.

A Perk that provides an effect when Endurance is consumed on a Survivor.