Please Nerf The Made For This And Hope Combo!

Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know some will say it’s no overpowered. But I wholeheartedly disagree.Why should survivors be faster then the speed of light? I mean you nerf what was essentially to killer. I mean I get it that things take time. But I also understand that solo has suffered too. So anyway I will argue that killer has suffered more recently. But this is just my opinion on the subject matter I just feel that survivors shouldn’t be allowed to abuse those type of perks when they basically have overpowered maps handed to them Aka Garden of Joy, Borgo,Tobas Landing, etc. Sorry for coming off really frustrated but this is very ridiculous. All I ask is please can we get this nerf quickly as possible?

Post edited by Robotfangirl67 on


  • Shadowblaze517
    Shadowblaze517 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I really dont think there is a reason for both of them to be able to stay active in endgame colleapse. it makes survivors impossible to catch unless you bring noed i assume

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
    edited July 2023

    Yeah I agree but yeah I also wish they fixed the maps too. I know I’m changing the topic so apologies for that. But yeah I say map balance don’t help also along with those perks.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    what about is overpowered? Hope is end-game perk to increase survival rate when all 5 generator are powered. MFT just happens to work with Hope to be stronger in late game.

    The survivor in end game cannot hold killer hostage with speed because killer can open exit gate to start EGC. I can only see problem with haste if survivor moves faster than killer and it is before end game due to survivor creating a game hostage similar to old DBD 2016 infinities.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 501

    In the right hands that combo is terrifying

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 277
    edited July 2023

    This is exactly the problem. The survivors move on the same speed like the killer, meanwhile they can run the loops more tight, can drop pallets, vault windows... So it is almost imposible to catch up. And since genspeed already a huge problem in many trials you could comeback at least a little in endgame, but basicly you will not. It is really overpowered without any effort (you just have to get a hit). And yeah, there are some exceptions, but it is not change the fact, that usually it is too strong. Also have zero fun to play against it. And there is no counter for it at all.

    Consider it that Dark Theory was a kinda good perk with TWO percent haste. But it had counter (remove the totem) and the survivor needed to bless a totem, and stay around it. MFT gives THREE, and hope another 7. So survivors will have 4.4 speed. It is nonsense to be honest.

    And it is also gives a BT when you heal somebody...

  • WendyWilliam
    WendyWilliam Member Posts: 2

    Seriously, we are still calling this overpowered ?

    i honestly believe that the combo isn’t as big of a problem as you make it out to be .

    MFT is never really noticed unless you’re getting looped by very good survivors . other than that. i usually feel like it’s a wasted perk.

    MFT/Hope in endgame is exactly as you called it . ENDgame . they waited all match to be able to stack two perks If there is one survivor left and they are running that combo and the gate it not open . you can usually get them if you are playing good. if it’s two survivors and one of them is running it . hook and wait to see if they save . if all 4 survivors are alive and the exit gate is open . odd are hope MFT aren’t what made you lose your game .

    the endurance i find to be a bit questionable . i will agree .

    Blood lust exist the entire match. you are faster . i’ve played against that combo end game and i will say. the vast majority of people running it (which is very slim vs when it first came out) still really don’t get the most value because they just run around and cant loop . “the speed of light” you say. i believe it brings them close to huntress and trickster speed . so why should survivors have to play with killers who are that speed “lol not being serious” it just feels tedious to complain about a perk combo for haste when there are some pretty problematic perk combos that actuality effect the match before endgame .

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 277

    It is good, that you play in an MMR when survivors cannot loop.

    And just because there are other combos too which are broken doesn't mean that this is not, and we shouldn't point it out.

    When something is not broken only if people cannot use it, then it is a bad balanced thing.

    You are writing about specific scenarios and how to play... I know (and I assume some others are also who complain about those) how to play the game. It's not invalidate that those combination is way overpowered for the nothing. It is almost like old DS or DH when you win because you hit a button.

    Both perks gives you speed with only benefits, no drawback, no effort. You will get Hope even if all you did the whole match is urbaning in a corner and others did the job.

    Also maps are made for base movementspeed. And even without that speed they are pretty bad (I am sure you also saw loops with 2 pallets near each other with windows and such). They are bad enough without that speed, and it just make it worst. It is simply shouldn't be or work together at this state of the game when also gen speed is a huge issue. And even survivors agree with it with thousands of hours in the game. <- go check the numbers. Every 4.4 killers and below will be on the same speed as the survivor. So if they got distance you will never reach them. And even faster killers will struggle to catch up with them

    But yeah. In some scenarios (when nobody can open the gate, the hatch is already closed) it will not help. Until MFT at least in the endgame you could comeback a little after you got genrushed within 4 minutes. Now it is gone also.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,587