An introduction of MFT-----what makes it so powerful?

mustdogen Member Posts: 373
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions


I write this post because I have seen a lot of people who don't really know how strong the perk is, and even call it a not a big deal perk,But personally, I think this perk is totally broken, maybe the one of strongest perks in dead by daylight history.

So I write this post as a tutorial(?) to help those who still have not got it why the perk is so strong to know why is it so strong , and to do that , I will start with some common misunderstanding/question of the perk.

Hope this post could help you know more about MFT.

Why is the perk so strong? doesn't the perk only make you like....3% faster?

Yes it is!

But do you really know how strong the 3% is?


What?How? doesn't the word before the % is 3?

Yeah but keep in mind that, the difference between the killer and survivor's speed is only 15%.

So if the killer chasing you, normally it will cost the killer (X/(0.15*4))sec to catch up (X is the distance between you and the killer when chasing starts).

But with MFT it will cost the killer (X/((0.15-0.03)*4)) to catch up, in other words, it will cost you an extra 25% to catch up.

Are you sure? The math is too hard. I can't really see it.

YES, for example if the distance between you and the killer was 24m,

normally it will cost the killer 40 sec to catch you up,

but with MFT it will cost the killer 50 sec to catch up, which is 25% longer.

But if I using MFT I can’t use other Exhaustion perk(SB especially)

You actually can, just not with SB.

And MFT is way way stronger than SB anyway.

HOW? How could MFT be stronger than SB? The number of SBs is bigger.

Because SB only gives you a short boost ,on the other hand MFT will always be active.

If the distance between you and the killer is longer than 24M then the MFT is stronger than SB.

And guess what? Being hit already gives you 16M,and breaking a pallet gives you more than 9M ,in other words,being hit->Shift W -> Pre-drop a pallet,then MTF already stronger than SB.

But the killer has a built-in speed boost called bloodlust either.

Yes Bloodlust exists, but it will be reset every time a killer hits or breaks a pallet, in other words, it doesn't really do much like MFT do if the killer has to kick the pallet.

I don’t get it, if 3% really that strong, why the perks before MFT that giving you more % of speed boost is not that strong?

It is because those perks all  had some limit or downside to it.

Boon: Dark Theory: not only it only gives you 2%, the limit that it only affects in the totem area makes it can’t be used on Shift + W.

Blood PactTeamwork: Power of Two: these two have a similar set up and limit, they both need 2 players stick with together, this will cause two impact

  1. the damage hit to killer / sec is lower : Because killer is chasing 2 people in the same time, so there will be one less survivor working on the gen ,for example if the chasing take from 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 sec by the perk (50% longer),and four of survivor are all alive, the damage  hit to killer was 60sec *3 people doing gen = 180 gen time and become 90 sec*2 people doing gen = 180 gen time, you see? Even if the chasing time becomes 1.5 times longer, the damage to the killer is the same, and with less and less survivors alive, the damage/sec will become even lower.
  2. Can’t really looping or SHIFT W+PRE-DORP cycle: Because killer is chasing 2 people in the same time,survivor can’t really looping the loop, they will sandbag each other (and can only one player vault in one time),and because of that killer would not being force to kick the pallet which make the survivor can’t do the Shift W + Pre -drop cycle either.

So yes, the speed boost is strong, but if you can’t use it to loop or shift W + pre drop, then it might not be game breaking strong.

Ok…I see…MFT is strong, I think I might use it now, but extra 25% distance should not be game breaking right? I mean it is strong that it makes the looping time become 25% longer but it is like doing gen 25% faster (ok,25 % faster may be a little too much) it…. it… it would not be too OP right?

Actually….It would be too OP, and that is how we abuse it.

What does 25% more distance mean in a chase?

It means that every pallet and windows are all 25% closer, but better, because your reaction time and the time you damage the killer won’t be 25% shorter.

So, even if the survivor can’t loop, just do the shift W and pre-drop pallet cycle, the killer will never catch you, because it will take killer more than 18.75(was 15) sec to catch you after breaking a pallet and with that time you can run 77.25 (was 63) m ,you must can reach to another pallet and pre-drop it again, it basically break the M1 mechanic.

Ok, so tell me again how could we abuse it?

Very simple, if you are a survivor who don’t know how to loops at all, then just Shift+W and pre-drop the pallet with MFT, in this way you are basically can’t be down by M1,those killer who can’t anti-Shift W would have nothing can do to you, yeah just by one perk.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    No it's correct.

    A survivor normally runs 0.6 meter per second slower then the killer. With MfT it's 0.48 meters per second

    0.48/0.6= 1.25 or 25% more

    If you're 6m from a killer then normal chase takes 10 seconds and MfT chase 12.5 seconds

    10×1.25= 12.5

    If you're 20m from a killer a normal chase takes 33.33 seconds and an MfT chase 41.66 seconds

    33.33×1.25= 41.66

    It always checks out.

    I personally don't think it's brokingly strong, just regular strong but facts are fact and this math is fact

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962

    I think you mean 20% not 25%... but otherwise checks out.

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 373

    yeah my bad.

    25% extra distance. =20% closer window and pallet, not 25%.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    With this logic it doesn't make sense why any killer / perk were nerfed.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I'm not downplaying the math or anything but do people play killers like Wesker, Huntress, Blight powerless and exclusively M1? And yes, I know, some killers like Doctor are kinda powerless against it.

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    If you think the devs balance things based on theory and simple math, then yeah I get why it confuses you

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    They sadly balance it by statistics, which is not really better and we got lot of weird changes.

    This perk is oppresive and it's one of more picked perks.

    You think your personal results decide if perk is good or not, it's highly subjective point of view, for each perk / killer you have players that don't have problem with it, so with your logic, there is no need to nerf anything and all nerfs should be reverted.

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    You keep claiming things I never said to win an argument you yourself made up. I never said that I am the arbiter of what is balanced or not, I am questioning the outcry because its not the first time this community has made takes on a survivor perk based on math and theory that didn't play out like that. Like Hyperfocus was gonna make games end in less than 5 minutes, or Blood Rush was gonna extend chases a lot because everyone would have double sprintburst, yet neither of them see much play today.

    If the perk performs too well then I trust the devs to see it reflect in their numbers and balance accordingly.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    end in less than 5 minutes

    well, you can end game under 5 minutes, but it's boring. So you don't see it often.

  • Slackrimosa
    Slackrimosa Member Posts: 28

    Sprint burst or lithe extend your 24 meter chase to 47s without considering the 16 meters you gain being hit and wounded which you presuppose in the example for MfT. Is that why you left it out?

    It seems silly to make all these napkin math assumptions unless every pallet is infinite and evenly placed, and all the generators are next to each other on the other side of the map.

    In practice it's a handful of seconds added to a chase and maybe one extra pallet with the prereq that you're a one-shot.

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 373

    I don't understand your point?

    I just said that if the distance between you and killer is more than 24 m than MFT is stronger than SB.

    And the 16 m and 9m stuff just try to explain to you that a chasing is at least more than 24 m.

    What is the napkin math mean?

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845
    edited June 2023

    My only hope is there will be a specific requirement for the 3% other than 'be hurt' at the very least.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Eh... I see what your saying but I dont think I agree. MFT is definitely strong... but most killers on the roster have some sort of range or chase mobility. Any A tier killer can completely ignore it, whether it be through a hatchet or a virulent bound. Its effect is mostly neglibigle on those killers while having a significant effect on the weaker killers. From a game design standpoint, this is bad. But from a balance perspective, its absolutely normal for weaker killers to be affected disproportionately. Blight completely ignores speed perks, while sadako just stands there and suffers. Its really just the killers that are already in need of buffs that its oveprowered against. If you are facing a strong killer, then SB is always a better pick. The anti tunnel, chase extension, safety and power provided by sprint burst is just far more valuable to a good player than that 3% boost. I do think its an issue that MFT has synergy with DH... if killing MFT is necessary to keep DH out of the meta than please god kill mft.

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