Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

A genuine Rework for Skull Merchant to make her more fast paced and chase oriented rather than 3 gen

You saw the title, yes, i gave her a full rework because her gameplay is very easily abused by certain players (COUGH COUGH 3 GENNERS COUGH). 

This rework is also made by someone who is a certified Skull Merchant main, take that how you will.

The goal of this rework is to keep her power lore accurate and make her a more fast paced action setup killer that is rewarded for survivor’s moving as she pleases, it’s no longer as good for defending gens but that’s kinda required to make her less of 3 gen killer.

This rework also includes add-ons! Please take the time to read all of this (or atleast the power) as i would really like Feedback!

Skull Merchant rework:

Gain access to 10 drones. Press the power button to place them at your position or hold the button to charge and send the drone to further spot from your position, the drones have a 20 second activation time, and have a detection radius of 6 meters, they can’t be placed within 8 meters of generators or 12 meters of each other. Survivors can crouch through the detection radius to not get spotted.

If a drone spots a survivor, it starts tagging the survivor, following them for 30 seconds. Whenever another drone tags the same survivor, the duration resets and joins the drone. The survivor gets different debuffs depending on the amount of drones following them:

1 drone: Revealed on merchant’s radar.

2 drones: the survivor vaults 5% slower and their repair speeds are halved.

3 drones: the survivor becomes incapacitated and hindered by 5%.

4 drones: Skull Merchant moves 35% faster while chasing you.

Hitting a survivor removes 1 drone. Whenever a drone disappears or is recalled, there’s a 30 second cooldown until it returns to you.

Action Hunt:

Any time a drone tags a survivor, she slowly builds action hunt (takes 8 tags to fully charge), once fully Charged, she can activate action hunt on a survivor she’s chasing placing them in an action hunt. When triggered, a 32 meter zone appears. Any time the survivor gets tagged by another drone during the duration, the zone shrinks by 8 meters, if the survivor leaves the zone, it dissapears and the 4 closest drones automatically tag them. If skull merchant leaves the zone for 3 seconds, the zone dissapears. Action hunt has a max duration of 45 seconds.

(Radar is mostly unchanged, just losing manual activation since drones are always active. Claw traps are gone). 



Ultrasonic Trap Speaker: If the skull merchant stays within a drone’s detection radius for 2 seconds, she becomes undetectable for 10 seconds, this add-on has a cooldown of 45 seconds.

High-Power Floodlight: while a survivor is tagged by a drone, they suffer from blindness.

High-Current Upgrade: Checking your radar is 0.4 seconds faster. Exiting your radar now has 0.5 second 5% hinder.

Adi Valente Issue 1: Whenever an injured survivor sneaks through a drone’s detection radius, they suffer from the broken status, this lingers for 30 seconds after leaving the area.


Stereo Remote Mic: Increase the zone reduction penalty in action hunt by 1.5 meters.

Shotgun Speakers: while survivors are tagged by a drone, they suffer from the oblivious status effect.

Supercharge: increases the duration of the drone pursuit by 5 seconds.

Low-Power mode: everytime a drone pursuit’s timer is reset, add an additional 3.5 seconds to that drone pursuit’s duration.

Adaptive Lighting: while a survivor is crouching through a detection zone, decrease their movement speed by 10%.


Brown Noise generator: Survivors Crouching through a detection zone suffer from oblivious and are deafened, this effect lingers for 10 seconds.

Infrared Upgrade: during action hunt, the targeted survivor gets their aura revealed for 2 seconds every 8 seconds.

Loose Screw: when a survivor is tagged by a drone, they become exhausted for 3 seconds, if they’re already exhausted, instead increase the duration by 3 seconds.

Powdered Glass: hitting a tagged survivor inflicts them with Hemorrhage and Mangled until fully healed.

Vital Targeting Processor: Decrease the required reveals to charge action hunt by 1.

Very Rares:

Advanced Movement Prediction: increase the time to inspect your radar by 0.5 seconds, while inspecting your radar, all tagged survivor’s auras are revealed.

Geographical Readout: gain a 3% haste while inside a drone’s detection zone, whenever a survivor leaves a drone’s detection zone while crouching, the drone creates a loud noise notification.

Prototype Rotor: When a survivor is tagged, the drone leaves behind a 4 meters zone for 5 seconds that grants you a 5% haste for 3 seconds.

Randomized Strobes: During action hunt, flashlight blind the targeted survivor for 2 seconds every 15 seconds.

Ultra Rares:

Expired Batteries: Whenever a drone would tag a survivor, instead if there is another drone is in the trial, the closest drone will instead go and tag that survivor, meanwhile the drone that caused this becomes disabled for 20 seconds.

Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript: While action hunt is active, all other survivors besides the targeted survivor in area are darkened out and cannot interact with the environment in the zone and lose collision with you. When the targeted survivor leaves the zone, they are exposed for the rest of the trial until they are downed.

also, a way i’d change her mori: have her surround the survivors with drones and have them create so much light they can’t see her until she then comes out and strikes them (CAUSE REMEMBER, HER MORI IS SIMPLE BECAUSE SHE’S AN EFFICIENT HUNTER, NOT BEATDOWN LIKE WESKER).

Leave any questions below! :)

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