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Why is The Pig a 32 Meter Terror Radius Killer?

Bobitslapis Member Posts: 87
edited June 2023 in Ask the Community

Im a Pig main.

I started playing DBD in 2020 and since then, i have always played as Pig.

Whilst i had extremely many lows with her, im still grasping my motivation in what i could do to make her my complete Main again and to make my gameplay better and more rewarding.

So i was checking through her info and something spotted my eye.

Usually, Stealth Killers have a 24 Meter Terror radius so they cannot be spotted as fast as any other killer. For example: Sadako has this.

Yet Pig, aka, Amanda has a 32 Meter Terror Radius, which obviously makes her way faster to spot and kind of eleminates her stealth a bit? Like judging from my hundreds of matches, it would have been a better help.

Was there a reason why this was changed? Was this making Amanda too strong in the game somehow?

Since i cannot believe that in her current state, this actually makes her a threat anymore than she already is.


  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    edited June 2023

    Use her Crouch. She becomes Undetectable.

    Listen for the sounds of Generator repair and Generators with progress while crouched and using LoS to get an early hit in (as well as the sounds of Survivors trying to take off an RBT). It cuts down on chase times dramatically if they more or less "start" injured. (This makes up for the minimal loss in speed from Crouch)

    I suggest not using Ambush when jumping out at Generators, as a lot of them are near Vaults/Pallets and the cessation of movement at the start of Ambush (coupled with the roar, and also opportunity loss of a grab) might let them get there before your speed makes a difference.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    To be fair, stealth killers don't exactly "usually" have a 24m TR, sadako is actually the only example and killers like wraith and ghostface have 32m TRs. But to answer your question, I believe it was said back in the day that she was given a 32m TR because she has a 4.6m/s movement speed, design philosophy or something weird like that. But now we have killers like sadako as you pointed out and wesker, who both move at 4.6 but have a 24m and 40m TR respectively, and deathslinger moves at 4.4 but has a 32m TR. So my guess is that it's just outdated design or.."design philosphy" at this point, I imagine they have something bigger planned for pig based on what they've said about other killers in a recent reddit AMA which could include a smaller TR, which could explain why the 32m TR has remained for no other clear reason