We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

Scratch marks seem to happen more

It seems since today's update Scratch Marks have been appearing more plentiful and also more spread out. Instead of being mostly isolated to the ground underneath survivors and an occasional wall they seem to now stretch to and sometimes onto the roof. Pics included shows scratch marks left by bots and how they seem to stretch higher then usual. This is mostly prevalent on indoor maps obviously but it also exists on outside maps too.

9 votes

Under Review · Last Updated


  • eisenbuns
    eisenbuns Member Posts: 98

    YES I saw this too. I'm running Self-Aware on survivor and literally thought the killer must be running Predator because of how intense the scratch marks were.

    For reference:

    PC (Steam)

    I'm playing Gabriel, running Self-Aware + Made For This + Resilience + Repressed Alliance

    I first noticed it today after the update while playing on Crotus Prenn against a Huntress.

  • Senses
    Senses Member Posts: 1

    I did noticed it too and it's really bad on indoor maps it makes tracking really difficult, I took the wrong turn several times thinking they went through a different door. If this is intended I hope it gets reverted and maybe allow to change scratch mark colors if they want to release maps with color schemes like Borgo.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Same problem playing on steam.Lerys map as singularity

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,606

    I think tracking was super unfair before the change. Before the change, if a survivor runs through a narrow doorway, and makes a sharp turn, there would often be scratchmarks leading to the doorway, but the killer could see 0 scratchmarks beyond the doorway, so the killer has to go through the door, GUESS if the survivor went left or right, turn their camera that direction, and if they guess wrong, do a 180 and continue the chase. And this could happen multiple times in the same chase, which can waste a lot of time.

    How is it fun or fair that the killer has to make 50/50 guesses just to follow scratchmarks, because the game wasn't spawning enough scratchmarks to make a proper trail? And this was happening all the time in the new map, because there are so many line of sight blockers all over the place, that the killer often saw zero scratchmarks when the survivor made a sharp turn, and the killer had to start guess directions. This scratchmark change is the only thing making the new map tolerable.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,477

    Oh yes... it is a bloodbath.

    Just played Doctor on RPD.

    PC - Steam

    Way more Scratch marks than usual.