Make Blast Mine or Repressed Alliance on Active Ability 2

Or make blast mine take priority so they don't both activate at the same time.
It was a fun combo to use when the killer kicked the gen, and then pop repressed while they were stunned. Same thing with wiretap if you wanna activate it before popping repressed, have wiretap take priority.
At least make repressed into active ability 2 since reassurance is the only perk that's bound to that button and it seems like a waste to create active ability 2 just for one perk to get it's use.
Yes, please. I reallly, reallllllly dislike the idea of Wiretap and Blast Mine having to activate simultenously, and us not having a choice in the matter. One of my favorite combos to run is Wiretap + Blastmine, because I would be able to signal to teammates multiple times where my gen is. Or simply activate one or the other if the killer approaches. Tying these perks together makes them very unappealing to use :( . At least make Wiretap activate at 45%, if you must.