Saboteur still bad

The reason why saboteur is so bad is because tier 3 cooldown is 60 seconds and you’ll be much better to bring a toolbox for breaking hooks and on top of that if you accidentally tap Sabo a hook, the perk goes on cool down a good buff will be drop the cool down to 45 seconds and make any hook sabotage with the perk respawn in 45 seconds so that way you get a timer for when the hook spawns back and QOL change make it to where the perk doesn’t go on cool down unless you fully sabotage a hook and maybe drop the sabotage speed to a flat 2 seconds or maybe give it more utility like if you have a toolbox any sabotaging action is sped up by 10% when using a toolbox or something like that

in short

1.Drop tier 3 cool down to 45sec and make hook respawn take 45sec if sabotage with this perk

(if you have a toolbox and you sabo with it the respwan is still the default time)

2.Perk goes on cool down when you fully sabotage a hook

3.Perk can sabotage a hook in 2secs or with this perk equipped toolboxes can Sabo, 10% faster or something to that effect

That’s how I would buff this perk


  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,165

    The point (2) you mentioned is absolutely vital in my opinion. Saboteur should go on cooldown ONLY if the sabo was completed. One reason is that the cooldown is quite big, the other reason being when you unhook someone and want to start healing them, you accidentally start sabo-ing the hook, and even though you interrupt it, the cooldown is still triggered. Massive obstacle to the health of this perk, I feel.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    How many people are going to admit they want the cooldown change so that if the killer hits them during a sabo, they could sabo the hook while the killer is in attack cooldown?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Point 3 would make the perk OP. It would allow survivor to get hit, sabo toolbox and get away. That's unfair.

    It would make very small difference. Provided devs actually don't make sabo 0,5s quicker as OP suggest, he will still not finish sabotage before you hit said survivor again.

    If you want to bodyblock twice, you stand under hook until you get hit and then start sabotage without any difference.

    The only real difference would be if you tapped hook by accident (like trying to heal under the hook), or if you misjudged your sabo speed and wanted to bodyblock hook right after your hit.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,265

    i mean that is how you sabo. you let killer hit you, you sabo hook, usually used with alex toolbox with speed add-on's then killer recovery and your press DH. Sabo kinda gutted when DH got nerfed. this buff to jake's sabo perk does not change anything. toolbox is still better then the perk and sabo is too situational to use now because it often means you will get tunneled.

    Point 3 would make the perk OP. It would allow survivor to get hit, sabo toolbox and get away. That's unfair

    that was already possible with DH. you can get hit during sabo with alex box, sabo hook in front of the killer and then DH at last second freeing survivor. that strategy got nerfed when DH received its negative changes, not that anyone was using sabo when it was possible. its strategy that been dead ever since they remove ability for hooks to be destroyed permanently. only try-hard SWF would sometimes use it when they are going for flawless escape(0 hook on the entire team) to bully killers.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162
    edited July 2023

    Any time there's a "what would you change about Saboteur" post the #1 answer is "remove the cooldown from unsuccessful sabos" because of how often you may accidently cancel a sabo due to trying to heal near a hook. That is literally the only change needed for it. They don't need the increased toolbox sabo speed and shorter cooldown for tier 1 and 2.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    Attack cooldown is 2.7 seconds, and the new change will make the sabo perk take 2.3 seconds.

    The more likely scenario is a survivor tries to sabo at the last second, and gets hit out of it, and wasn’t intending on taking 2 hits. If a survivor wants to purposely bodyblock, they should be required to be directly under the hook without doing the sabo action, so the killer has the opportunity of dropping the carried survivor instead of going through 2 attack cycles while carrying that survivor.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Believe me. It's a lie. Sabo now takes 3s instead of 2.5s. i can repost (again) the video where you see frame by frame, that it actually takes 3s. It's similar situation to smash hit, where you get 4s sprint, but that's also a lie, because you can't even theoretically use all 4s, because animation (but there's no extra animation for sabo). If the speedup was 0.3s instead of 0.2s, it would allow forced trades and it would be very consequential. As it is now, you can't even sabotage hook in time (getting downed in process) after hit with just saboteur (you would need some help from other perk - like being affected by leader)

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    You don't need to be in swf to pull that off. SoloQ can do the exactly same thing.

    Yes, DH synergy is practically gone and MoM takes too long to charge. This saboteur buff also does nothing about it, because you correctly said you need alexis with speed addons to pull that off.

    To have chance at it with just saboteur, the speedup would at least need to be 0,4s or 0,25s+you would need resilience (but at this point you invested too many perk slots for a weird gimmick).

    But if they sped it up by 0,3s, then you would have enough time to sabotage (and go down) after getting hit - forcing trade before hooking (which is kind of anti-tunneling measure for forced hook spread). But they sped it up just by 0,2s, so no change here (provided you don't also invest another perk slot in resilience for just a possible hook trade).

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Ok. I just tried that out. Those 0,2s are for some reason enough to force hook trade. That's absolutely HUGE buff. I am very satisfied with this buff right now

  • Jackal7879
    Jackal7879 Member Posts: 121

    I could never test it everyone it was mostly running stbfl so I’m just gonna run a Alex’s toolbox it’s not worth a perk slot imo maybe for the hook aura but the killers were mostly Sadako and a few Weskers