Possible Singularity's bloodweb bug

lav3 Member Posts: 758

• Platform - Steam

• Description of the issue

Recently, some of Singularity's add-ons had rarity changes.

I think updated rarity changes didn't get applied to bloodweb system somehow.

Nanomachine Gel was purple add-on before, now it's green.

Soma Family Photo was iri add-on before, now it's purple.

Denied Requistion Form was purple add-on before, now it's iri.

Something I noticed after P3-ing Singularity is his Nanomachine Gel numbers.

Yes, there were situations I couldn't get or refused to get it to get others first but this was significantly less than other green add-ons.

Maybe because it was purple addon previously?

Also, I felt I wasn't getting enough Soma Family Photo which I looked forward to having many of them.

Lastly I've never seen 3 iri add-ons on bloodweb before.

I saw 2 iri on Lv 45 or 50 but this looks suspicious and I'm wondering if there's something wrong with Singularity's bloodweb atm.

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