No skill checks is worst skill checks.

Add to the perk Stake Out to grant 4/5/6% more chance of getting a skill check for each token of Stake Out, and doubling that while in killer terror radius (8/10/12%), for serious thrill seekers.

Skill check chances keep getting reduced after skill check perks are introduced, nullifying perks that were meant to make the game more challenging and more fun for thrill seekers.

Its gotten so bad in game mechanics lately that even after having FULL TOKENS on Stake Out, that many matches I can not spend even 1 token.

This change should bring back value to Stake Out without taking away the value of the perk altogether as it is currently. The bonus diminishes when the perk Stake Out is spent. And gives greater reward for greater risk!


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I don't think it's good idea. Hyperfocus exists and it already increases chance of skillcheck. If you add it's favorite combo stakeout that would also increase skillcheck chance - then we are looking at massive speed boosts for single-person gens. That's not healthy at all.

    If you want value from stakeout and you have low number of skillchecks, then use toolbox. It already raises chance of skillchecks

  • Kamikazi
    Kamikazi Member Posts: 144

    Although I would agree with you if I hadn't played the game every day since 2019, I will instead inform you of my experience.

    When Hyper Focus was introduced, it first increased the occurrence of skill checks. The devs saw the flaw in allowing it to increase skill checks and instead caused anyone who owned the perk Hyper Focus to incur significantly less skill checks. These code changes were not made public.

    My proof is while a killer was AFKing my group of randos, we started intentionally missing every skill check to prolong the time spent repairing gens to minimize the loss of blood points earned for no killer. I had hyper focus and stake out on my load out. This other guy was a new player Jonas and did not seem to own Hyper Focus. He was given 4x as many skill checks as I was given for us to intentionally fail.

    I stopped bringing Hyper Focus for the next few weeks or months only to notice that I seemed to Never get skill checks in comparison to NEW survivors. Later, Devs again changed the code to grant us players who have purchased the Hyper Focus perk to have skill checks again. (Pretty dirty move to sell us content and then take away its only ability instead of solving the issue instead. Its starting to seem we can count on losing what we paid for in future releases.)

    I'm pretty good at hitting great skill checks, but not so great at hitting hyper focus skill checks. They are insanely fast! Challenge accepted!

    The devs fixed their error when caught. For the last month or two, survivors would get a great chance (80% chance) for a skill check every 10 seconds, followed by a minor chance 2 seconds later (15-20%). I was recording and counting how long it was between skill checks. This was an easily recognized pattern if you counted them out.)

    There is however one New rule break for this, as you have actually pointed out. Using ANY toolbox causes us to get a very normal amount of skill checks! This became apparent while trying to get the most of Scavenger perk. And once that toolbox was spent, my skill check chances dropped significantly again, by about 80%.

    Only once right after Scavenger was released was I able to sustain 6 tokens on Hyper Focus while getting a few more greats for solo gen completion while a friend was in chase. But I realized that Scavenger was actually an incredibly bad perk, nullifying its value for doing what it is supposed to do since it slows gen repair progress for 30 seconds. This eats up that toolbox when you pair it with Hyper Focus since letting go of the gen with HF causes HF to lose all tokens. Having an empty toolbox causes greatly reduced skill check chances, causing Scavenger to become meaningless again. Most often I can only fill that tool box 2x, and 1x I got it filled by the skin of my teeth on the last gen finished completing, making the full toolbox worthless again.

    Having realized toolboxes granted the normal [and previous] chances for skill checks, my focus was retrained. To get Hyper Focus and Stake Out to work correctly I literally had to bring a large toolbox (55 charges) but never Scavenger since its too broken with neutralizing effects. HF, SO, has to be paired with Street Wise and Built To Last. Now suddenly my entire load out is spent on gen focus, but it works correctly without nefariously countering code taking away the value of customers purchasing new content. This allowed me to finally gain that 6th HF token! And I was able to hit a couple of those 6th token great skill checks manually. Wow. I have finally won! I can quit the game.


    Now I have stopped bringing such a sweaty build to have more fun in other parts of the game.

    I realized another flaw with Stake Out. Since most of the time the skill checks only occur after I've built up 4 tokens without being able to spend them on gen repair, to suddenly my needing to rescue a random survivor and I start to heal them and suddenly I am given 4 skill checks to heal them incredibly fast. I don't want to give them 2 of my SO tokens. I want to use those on gens for an intense thrill.

    I decided to pair SO with Autodidact to prevent loss of my tokens on healing. At first this seemed great! Autodidact has NO great skill checks to be spent on. But the skill checks are seemingly random, until I started to figure out the pattern (I might explain later). (We used to bring Spine Chill to get those extra skill checks for Autodidact, but now it is changed.)

    I like to get up close to the killer and work on gens while SO fills up, to multitask and give intensity value. Problem: These tokens are never spent! I have gone entire matches without being able to spend one single Stake Out token! This nerf by design is eating at my mind. Why do devs repeatedly sell me/us content that they then take away near instantly?

    The pattern seems to be that I get a normal amount of skill checks when we are down to 1 or 2 gens left to complete. This is stressful that skill check chances are heighten on 5 gens left, then reduced for gen 4 & 3, then better again by gen 2 or 1. Its stressful because it should not be behaving in this manner.


    I have noticed another function which is more alarming than SO, HF, and Autodidact...

    That I can't get any skill checks for Autodidact unless its before the first gen is completed or after we are down to the last 1 or 2 gens still, (and maybe after someone has been sacrificed?).

    I try to get Autodidact skill checks, but notice that I finish healing someone inside "Boon: Circle of Healing" before I even get 1 skill check! I didn't bring CoH. Someone else did. And it is still out-preforming Autodidact and every Heal perk. CoH was fun until it was easily realized as being incredibly overpowered and game breaking, and still is. Same thing occurs if someone is healing coop with me. My first skill check is cancelled as we both finish healing Each injured survivor in a row! I'm being cheated.

    Even from back in 2019-2020, I've never found much value in Autodidact due to the less occurrences on the chance of skill checks. It almost never pays off unless you and everyone else actually make it to the last gen and the killer isn't focused on that injured player, then suddenly skill checks start correctly being accounted for. I am much better than I used to be, and suddenly its all becoming clear.

    I don't like hidden code to trick us on how things are working. Incorrect descriptions are one thing, but intentionally misleading us with confusion tactics is 4th wall breaking. I've gotten thousands of hours recorded, nearly every moment. The game is rigged. I don't play games that lie and cheat me. Fix these atrocities. I offer this a fore mentioned suggestion as a proper solution to getting to spend my Stake Out skill checks. Although I kind of hoped, but know it won't also work on Autodidact. Thus Autodidact is still a broken useless perk I've spent real actual monetary value on. (Unless equipping it actually gives me weak killers due to its broken nature since I am winning more often with zero value in any of my perks brought.)

  • Kamikazi
    Kamikazi Member Posts: 144

    Hey... if devs would just make gens take 180 seconds and give us back our normal skill checks, I would be happy cause I could try to get that 6th Hyper Focus skill check again and attempt to sustain it again.

    Maybe then killers would stop being so sweaty lately. Although that would be incredibly boring and repeatable for face camping killers, why would we care what face campers think is fair?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,215

    it sounds like your describing a bug where hyperfocus reduces skill-check chance instead of increases it.

  • Kamikazi
    Kamikazi Member Posts: 144

    Right it does sound like a bug. But I notice these things. I notice the changes. These changes were intentional, but no documented changes for them.

    I sort of doubt it is a bug tho, due to their trying to figure out how to solve the issue of gen rushing without solving the issue of gen rushing. There has to be a way to solve it without nerfing all the perks we've purchased. I did notice a few changes that were good, then reverted. And that may be a fault of the software interface reverting instead of the devs.

    Hey, try using those perks with a toolbox and tell me if you see the same 'bug'. That would be really cool if you did!

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,215

    i doubt this is intentional. you should report this in bug section. I personally do not use Hyperfocus regularly. I am good enough to land skill-check 1->5 without stake out but keeping stacks at hyperfocus 6 is too hard for me. If they buffed the perk "This is not happening" to reduce skill-check speed by -30% on top of increasing skill-check zone, I would likely use it more regularly. Right now I feel like I need have stake out stacks to on H6 to not drop H6.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I have no reason to doubt you. I have similar experience with niche I like to play around - namely saboteur. It's supposed to take 2.5s (after patch 2.3) but that's also a lie and it takes longer. But if that's the case, then that's quite dirty of devs. This special skillcheck code should absolutely be deleted. I never noticed, because I don't play gen speed perks

  • Kamikazi
    Kamikazi Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2023

    I try to create perk combos which benefit each other by being complex with the hundreds of perks available. Its fun to see how the synergy works out and I usually bring that same load out on all my characters until I feel I've collected enough data to understand if it works or not. Its just something I do subconsciously until I notice problems.

    We used to bring Spine Chill (prior to changes) to gain that 4% extra chance for skill checks just in case the killer looked in our direction.

    I would report it in the bug section except that I do not believe it is a bug, which I why I post it in suggestions since I know they are trying to mitigate the problems with gen rushing perks they kept introducing. They nerfed some then buff them back up the next week.

    Years ago it used to seem like a dev on the survivor side would nerf killers and buff survivors. Then the killer devs would look at data and fix their killer to be more balanced. The survivor buffs stayed and then get buffed again. Which I mean to say that the devs used to actively work against each other, except that the survivor dev got to keep their buffs and then also nerf the killers consistently.

    As I said... I don't think its a bug. Either someone is altering the code secretly and without updates about it, or they are deliberate known changes, and not disclosed to customers intentionally.