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Anyone else experiencing frame drops and stutters during the event?

Havocus Member Posts: 29

I didn't have any issues for the first half of the event, at least not frame drops specificially, there were clearly some laggy things happening. It just randomly started happening for me 4 days ago or so.

It seems to only happen when directly interacting with another player, either as killer to survivor or survivor to killer. It is the absolute worst on RPD, I have my fps capped at 120, it drops to 40-60 on RPD when the killer gets close to me. Some maps seem to be worse than others.

My drivers are up to date, I've monitored my cpu/gpu temps while playing and experiencing the frame drops and no issues spotted. I'm assuming this is just an event related issue but I'm not sure if I'm the only one experiencing it or not.

I have a  i7-10700K, 3080ti, 32gb of ram, shouldn't be a hardware issue.