Charmed Chapter Idea

EnvyDivine Member Posts: 3
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I saw that Charmed was listed in the Player Satisfaction Survey as something that people would maybe be interested in and I got VERY hyped so I came up with a concept, minus visuals bc I'm not great at that.

Feel free to discuss balancing or alternate ideas for stuff, I just created some base stuff.

Also this is my first time creating a concept so please be kind.

The Killer:

The Demon AKA Cole Turner

Power: Demonic Orbs

The Demon has the ability to throw Demonic Orbs (which charge passively) at Survivors either stunning or injuring them with a hit.

Energy ball: Charges every 15 seconds, causes the Survivor to scream and hinders and incapacitates the Survivor for 5 seconds.

Fire ball: Injures a healthy Survivor or puts an injured survivor into the dying state.


Bounty Hunter: After kicking a generator, you are able to see the aura of survivors currently working on generators for 4/5/6 seconds. This perk can only activate every 45 seconds.

The Source of All Evil: Survivors who enter your terror radius scream, revealing their location for 2 seconds. This perk can only activate every 55/50/45 seconds for each survivor.

Telepath: You receive an auditory and visual notification whenever a survivor is able to see your aura. This perk can only activate once every 25/20/15 seconds.

The Survivor:

Piper Halliwell (with legendary cosmetics for her sisters)

Perks (inspired by each of the sisters):

Telekinesis (Inspired by Prue/Paige): After repairing generators for a total of 30 seconds, this perk activates. While within 8/12/16 meters of a regressing generator, press the Active Ability Button 1 to stop its regression as if you were working on the generator. (This perk essentially has no effect if Hex: Ruin is active, as it functions as though you were actually working on the gen)

Time Manipulation (Inspired by Piper): After being in the killers terror radius while not in chase for a total of 40/35/30 seconds, this perk activates. While in chase, press the Active Ability Button 2 to hinder the killer by 10% for 2/3/4 seconds. This perk then deactivates.

Foresight (Inspired by Phoebe): This perk activates after being chased by the killer for 30/25/20 seconds consecutively. For the remainder of the trial, you are able to see the aura of killer props within 12 meters of you.

Let me know what you think!!

Post edited by EnvyDivine on


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215

    I don't feel like Charmed would warrant a full chapter to be honest.

    I see it more as a Survivor paragraph, with Legendary skins to cover all three/four sisters. With a perk to represent each of their powers. So your survivor ideas are pretty cool.