Anyone else think this event sucked

I like adding new mechanics to the game, but the ones they added for killer were just plain annoying to deal with, the exposed status effect just for 15 seconds of chase and getting into bloodlust, the auto break of pallets denying survivors to vault while in chase and more often then not gives a free down to the killer, the only non problematic one was the enduring which was fine for me to deal with, the creation of pallets was fine too to go against since you could simply respect the pallet or counteract with enduring, and the blocking of windows didn’t last very long either which was fine to go against as well, if the pallets that were made acted as normal pallets then I think that would have made things more balanced with the exposed and the auto break of pallets, but how it is now just makes looping a pain for survivors
to be fair survivors can spawn pallets and make god vaults insta wins
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I think the powers were tiny bit too weak for survivor side.
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i dont really know what else could be done. yeah party pallets arent the greatest and the vault blocker is hit or miss but I cant think of much else. Spawning actual pallets would be broken, a speed boost would be broken, tanking a hit would be broken. Maybe when you block a vault and you get a 15% increase vault speed on your next vault? And party pallet stuns are 1s longer?
Good killers dont end up using the exposure anyways. Honestly the exposure shouldnt have been a thing it was dumb. Killers should have just gotten the remote break, its powerful enough that its all you need. Besides it takes 2 seconds to break, making for a 2s vault blocker on pallets as well. Essentially two powers disguised as one. Then you also get bad killers crutching exposure and being rewarded for overcommitting.
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The powers did favor the killer side more but it wasn’t anywhere near broken. I had trouble activating sometimes playing on Switch but I otherwise had fun.
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Enduring was fine for you, because enduring was useless.
Exposed status was broken for sure, but breaking pallets was fine. That's basically Knight's mechanic.
Blocking window was really good.
Party pallets were good too, just because it gives you chance in deadzone and you had always option to pallet save anywhere on the map.
Main thing was to never drop party pallet in chase unless you are 100% sure it will stun. Killers were respecting like crazy. Just by being there it could give you few extra loops.
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Yes. It was most definitely killer sided. But I enjoyed the event for both sides. It was temporary and it was new - so it was cool.
TBF I was a bit annoyed at last day of event as survivor, but overall it being limited - I very much enjoyed it
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I think the event was terrible, Good Survivors can get insane value out of blocking the vaults. While the Killer cant get insane value out of destroying a pallet because it just means the Survivor always has to go to the next pallet anyway.
This problem has been so out of control that, Loads of Lobbies must have been dodged during the event because when I played Killer I would only get lobbies with Survivors far above my MMR.
Perhaps the event could have been good if all things worked better together, but we will never know.
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My biggest gripe has honestly been people not using their terrormisus and hoarding them, meanwhile, they're bringing oak offerings or moris or maps during the event. It just feels like they want to have some competitive edge with their offerings, all while soaking up bloodpoints from folks who bring terrormisus.
I , for one, don't think we should be subsidizing a bunch of greedy people. I want it so that you can't get the bonus bloodpoints or interact with invitations during the event unless you bring a terrormisu, or previous years' offering, or even a bloody party streamer, into the match.
Post edited by DeeBeeDeeAddict on0 -
Literally both sides and broken mechanics in the game for real I don’t believe this game was meant to be taken so seriously
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Yeah, I had some disconnect issues on loading screen during this event... I think it was connected with killer or multiple survivors not having cake.
It was really weird.
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I definitely encountered that in quite a few of my matches, too, and I don't blame the folks who DC'd. They spared me, I'm sure.