QOL for survivors

This game is too killer sided. What happened to stopping slugging, or hook camping. But then if I d/c I get penalize for unsportsmanlike. Was in a game when the killer down all three of us until he got the fourth. That’s not fun like am I just supposed to stare at the killer until he hooks all of us. Come on that not fun. Another thing is why is shadowburn a thing, they can already immobilize us by downing us and there’s no way to counter it. We are just down. I play both side and the killer side is too easy. Ya had slowed down the gens speed for what? Most of these killer can down someone from the other side of the map. All of my friends had jumped off this game for its unbalanced mechanic. Tried to stick with ya but the QOL is only going to the killers and ya not making the game entertaining for thè survivors.Not jumping back on this game. Sorry
you have to be joking right?
i have 1900 hours and i play both surviver and killer.
The ballence issues are in the Maps.
Pallet spawns are to abundent i see them spawn within 10 feat of one another.
Gen rushing is Easy.
Perk wise its pretty Balenced on Both sides. with Lots of counterplay.
its just some of the Maps have to many pallets or the pallets spawns and vault spawns right next to one another.
a Competent surviver can easily waste the killers time and i just solo qued and ran a Clown for 3 gens straight while 2 survivers were on gens with 1 just roaming around the map 10% of the time lol.
Killers Slug because its an Effective strat in Certian situations to put more pressure.
what it looks and sounds like to me. is you have a skill issue and just need time to Learn the maps and Killers and to practice more at the game.
Surviver Bots in customs tho are A lil bit to OP.
they have auto wall hacks.
meaning go agenst bots with scratch mirror myers and youll see a bot through a wall of a loop match every move you make.
a Real player wouldnt be able to match a killers movements that are on the otherside of a solid Wall.