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The Executioner Addon Ideas

  • Punishment of the Damned applies Torment to Healthy Survivors
  • Basic Attacks apply Torment.
  • Punishment of the Damned creates Torment Trails. (Restricted Trails are not created)
  • Putting a Tormented Survivor into the Dying state with Punishment of the Damned sends them to a Cage of Atonement.
  • Trails of Torment Hinder Survivors that step on them.
  • Trails of Torment Injure Healthy Tormented Survivors that Sprint over them.
  • You are Undetectable while performing Rites of Judgement and while on Torment Trails. (Slight buff to Obsidian Goblet)
  • While performing Rites of Judgement, Survivors within 12m are revealed with Killer Instinct.