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How do you play against Pinhead?

CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,661

So that box spawns like every 60 seconds. If you don't solve the puzzle, everyone is caught in chains. If you do, Pinhead says "You summoned me, I came ". and on a hook I go.

I have no idea what my gameplan should be with him and I play in solo queue. Any advice? As far as the box, it seems you're damned if you open it, damned if you don't.


  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    Best you can do is make sure you take the box to a safer place. Like as safe of a loop you can find. Don't just solve it where it spawns unless it's got a good tile nearby.

    You always want to solve the box. Chain hunts are brutal and trying to solve it p one of those is going to be hard.

    If you notice someone is being chased, if possible, try solving it while he's carrying a survivor, because he can't teleport.