How do you play against Pinhead?

So that box spawns like every 60 seconds. If you don't solve the puzzle, everyone is caught in chains. If you do, Pinhead says "You summoned me, I came ". and on a hook I go.
I have no idea what my gameplan should be with him and I play in solo queue. Any advice? As far as the box, it seems you're damned if you open it, damned if you don't.
Best you can do is make sure you take the box to a safer place. Like as safe of a loop you can find. Don't just solve it where it spawns unless it's got a good tile nearby.
You always want to solve the box. Chain hunts are brutal and trying to solve it p one of those is going to be hard.
If you notice someone is being chased, if possible, try solving it while he's carrying a survivor, because he can't teleport.