Which chapters do you recommend?

Hi all, There is a sale on playstation and i want to get a few of the dlcs. I already have some I'll list the ones i don't have out.
- Tools of torment (Thalita, Renato, Skull Merchant)
- Forged in fog (Vittorio, The knight)
- Resident evil 1 (Leon, Jill, Nemisis
- Resident evil 2 (Rebecca)
- All kill (Yun-Jin Lee, Trickstir)
- A binding of kin (Élodie, The twins)
- Ash
- Descend beyond (Blight and Felix)
- Bubba
- Saw (Pig and tap
- Darkness among us (Legion and Jeff
- Sadoko rising (Yoichi)
- Roots of dread (Haddie)
- Silent hill (Cheryl)
Any advice is appreciated and will be taken into consideration.
Edit: I like a combination of both killer and survivor. I am also a console player if that influences answers for killers like blight
Best Answer
I’m assuming if you only wrote one character you already have the other ones?
If so, then I would say the best choices for you are:
- Resident Evil
- Bubba
- Darkness Among Us
- Saw
- Descend Beyond (since you are console this might be a tough one. If you want someone who is easier for console then maybe Knight but Blight is more fun)
Not sure how much you plan on getting, but I would say if to prioritise the licensed characters as you can unlock the others through shards. Unless there is someone who you really want, then get them first :)
Are you killer or survivor main?
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I like a combination of both.
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Descend beyond, both RE chapters, and silent hill chapters are probably the best then.
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Thank you both for your help it will be taken into consideration