Sadako changes are horrible

With Demo, you added shred breaking pallets iri into his basekit
With blight, you added rush attack breaking pallets into his basekit
With sadako, you... Removed a good part of her basekit and turned it into an iri? And ignored the whole entire communities complaint about lack of chase potential, whilst simultaneously butchering her abilities without even addressing the main concern of spamming teleports and tunneling one person whenever they pick up a tape to build condemned progress ASAP, AS WELL AS ruining her add ons.
I thought the twins was the pinnacle of bad game design, but you guys made the bar somehow even higher.
Get a new balance team.
Edit: I also completely forgot about the famous flops: the Knight and skull merchant. You guys have been dropping the ball so much lately that the ball probs gets a haste status effect when moving away from you, that youre so desperately trying to catch. How's that for a bandaid crutch fix?
She seems more difficult to face now. Maybe you need to see some videos and change up your gameplay.
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The only reason she's more difficult to face now is because Mothers Comb + ring drawing / iri tape. If you just hit and run everyone to let them heal and find ppl with tapes before they get to the nearest TV (you'll know where cuz of the comb add on letting you know where they are) + projection spam, you can easily condemn someone and tunnel them down. I've done it before, I've condemned so many ppl at 4-5 gens and mori-ing them cuz it's that easy and brainless.
Her chase ability also got nerfed cuz the reiko watch add-on fell under the excel spreadsheet hammer of "too much usage = nerf".
The lullaby is still present when demanifested so getting a free first hit is still hard to do, unlike wraith or any other undetectable killer. Hell, even a 16m TR EW2 myers can get a free first hit better than sadako.
She's not healthy for the game rn cuz the devs mangled her focus on condemning, and whilst killing one way of condemn spam (which is good), they reintroduced another way unknowingly.
OH yea inherent bloodlust nerf on her too cuz demanifestation no longer triggers chases