I don't think the bots have been a net positive

I play this game as a PVP game. When the PVP element of a trial is lost, I am no longer interested. In the past if someone disconnected, it was annoying, but the trial would end quicker and we could all move on.
But now those of us who have zero interest in playing with or against bots are trapped in games with bots. We can't get out of these games without eating a d/c penalty. I would rather play a 5 minute 2v1 than slog through a 4v1 with 2 bots. That goes for either side. I'd rather die on hook in the next 30 seconds after a disconnect than play with bot teammates.
Playing killer against bots is horrendously boring. And I'm trapped in that game. I don't play this game for a power role fantasy. It's a PVP game to me. I lose all interest in this game once you introduce bots.
And players are disconnecting A LOT since the update. It has turned some of the killers in my rotation into a PVE mode. Do you really think the remaining two survivors want to play out the game after two teammates disconnect? I had one game before Pinhead got killswitched that was 3 bots/1 real player at 5 gens. Genuinely, what on earth is the point in that trial being played out? Let me out of the match.
Disconnects suck. But games used to end. Now we're stuck in bad games for longer amounts of time. That's not a positive change. Remove the d/c penalty after someone else disconnects, add a vote abandon, etc. You have to iterate on this further. DbD with bots is dull and lifeless. We shouldn't be forced into it.
Think about it: Player A disconnects. Player B also disconnects. Players C, D, and E no longer want to play the game, but are forced to play it out with bots rather than ending it swiftly. That's not ok.
I agree. The only way to guarantee you won't play with or against bots now is in custom games. The core game is a coin flip at the mercy of other players now unless you 4 stack.
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I agree with Stormy. I hate having games end prematurely because someone else throws a tantrum that things didn’t go their way. I always want to be able to put my best foot forward in my games, and having bots take over for dc/s helps me do so. I’m sorry you don’t like playing against bots, but I do feel like having them in the game gives us a reason to keep playing on. Furthermore, I’ve had many games where someone will dc right away or before the first gen is done and the killer continues to play super sweaty. Having the bots step in provides at least some cushion to that blow.
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Bots have done nothing but make games super boring and isn't really helping the DC issues.
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I agreed with both Stormy and David; I dislike the fact that DC ruin my killer games when it comes to 4k challenges or more specifically, Adept Achievement. All it takes is for one player to Disconnect, especially if they are very salty and go down after being outplay and down at the first chase; that I am forced to continue playing Killer until the next match. Especially in other matches, if I work so hard in getting all 3k and I am chasing the last guy before they get hatch; I get the down and was going to hook them; and then they go DC and be all "Screw you, no adept Achievement for you!"
With DC bots, I can secure my 4k victory, while giving the other remaining survivors a chance to win for their commitment in still playing the game.
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Fair, but why should players who signed up for a PVP game be forced to play with and against bots? This is literally the same problem for those people as well: being forced to play a game they don't want to play because someone else threw a tantrum and disconnected.
Trapping players in games they don't want to be in is never the solution.
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I can confirm that the bots do not understand what a reverse bear trap is.
RIP Bot Laurie
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Totally agree.
A full team disconnects at the start since they don’t like my killer and then I’m forced to play a boring match against bots that I have no interest in. I play for the pvp factor. If it’s not players I’d rather the match be over or at least allow me to leave without a penalty.
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The match should definitely end when there's no human players left. It's weird that it keeps going.
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I really hate the bot feature. Games would be over and end faster before but now they are still over but drag out way more. I've had a game last an extra 5 minutes compared to last patch while still having the same result, and it is god awful to have to deal with that experience. Like you know the game is over and you have to just sit there and waste your time for no good reason. If this stays they need to let players dc and keep the point that they accumulated during the match once someone leaves.
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I like the bots since I dont get screwed over because a teammate dcs on first down at five gens.
But hey 3 gen dull merchants finally have survivors that want to play against them.
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DCs after the first one should have no penalty. That way the killer can leave and so can other survivors if they dont want to play hte bot match. First person to DC should have penalty as normal
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I would be for a abandon match vote if more than 1 person dc's. 1 DC can always happen.
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Overall I personally think they're a positive, just for that random DC you get every now and then. The time they're a negative is when against killers that have always tended to have multiple DCs (ie Nurse, Pinhead, SM). Those games have always been losses anyway and multiple bots just prolong the inevitable.
I also found myself the sole survivor with a couple of bots against a Pinhead. He tunnelled one guy out, and the guy was clearly in a duo because his team mate DCd when he died. Then the other survivor DCd because the bot was so bad at managing the box, it was ruining the game. Thankfully the killer put me on hook when I asked.
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Agree.. I mean I like that the survivors now have a chance if someone were to DC, but.. its just less fun than I thought it would be
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Exactly.. can't even imagine that when the whole team disconnects.. at that point you're literally playing kill the bots tutorial...
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Agree... like the killer DCs and the game ends but all the survivors DC and the killer has to play a bot match?
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Yea, which is dumb since before if all 4 dc you are leaving the game but now you are forced into a bot match or have to eat a dc penalty. I would say the mechanic is good if only one survivor dc's and is negative once there is more than that. Like with even 2 you could end the game fairly quick and move on to your next game by finding and camping the first survivor you find compared to now where you need to play a full game out. In a situation like that I just want to leave and find a new match asap and shouldn't be punished.
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I don't want games to end because one of five players had a tantrum. But four bots is also a nightmare scenario for killer.
I think a middle of the road approach would probably be best. If one or two survivors DC they get replaced with bots. If a third survivor DC's, no bot, and a fourth survivor DC instantly ends the game. In addition, after so many minutes (5? 10? not sure what would be fair) any given bot will stop playing optimally and essentially make themselves found by the killer.
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You mean one of 4..
If the killer DCs the game ends no matter what lol
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I mean if you don’t like playing against bots can’t you just put down the controller and get a sandwich or something? If you leave em to it the bots will do their objective and leave asap.
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I agree with what a few people have said: I can deal with one bot. But we shouldn't get a penalty if there are 2 or more bots. It's ridiculous to be forced into playing that match out.