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Spirit doesn't make people scream when you hit them

HommeGallium Member Posts: 3

Since this last update I've been experiencing a bug with Spirit. Whenever I hit someone, they don't scream. It doesn't happen every game, but when it does, it happens all game regardless of survivor hit. At first I thought I encountered a full Calm Spirit squad, or something of the sorts, only to find out that wasn't the case. This makes the game a bit wonky, it does help with tracking because you hear the grunts of pain immediately instead of being covered by a scream, but it doesn't feel like you did get the hit and it is very confusing.

It's easy to replicate. As I said it doesn't happen every game, maybe 1/3 games. In case the bug might be related to my build, I've been running the exact same build multiple games in a row. It's Jolt (survivors on generators DO scream, just not the one getting hit), Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, and Hex: Plaything. As for add-ons, I've played with the Rusty Flute and the White Hair Ribbon.

This has happened with multiple different sets of cosmetics.

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