Xbox Series S - Flashbang blind not saving survivor carried by killer

Loolrenzo Member Posts: 6
edited August 2023 in Bug Reporting

Character: Felix Richter

Killer: The Oni

Map: Groaning Storehouse

Build: Visionary, Flashbang, Wiretap, Blast Mine

Killer was blinded by Blast Mine after downing Kate.

While he was blinded, i jumped in and out of a locker crafted the Flashbang.

He picked her up after, and I dropped the Flashbang in front of the hook.

There was a Killer Blind score, but the Kate was still being carried.

The blind was not during the hooking animation, as the killer still moved around for a second before hooking.

Post edited by BoxGhost on
1 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated

This has been already reported and it's under review. Thank you!


  • tjwallis
    tjwallis Member Posts: 22

    Player here: Idk if the flashbang has the same mechanics as the flashlight, but the killer only drops the player if they're actively wiggling. If the survivor they are carrying is not struggling, blinding them won't force a drop.

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