Ideas to make killer powers more special, entertaining and better

The main point is how each killer of the game needs to differ from the rest. Every power to be "good designed" requires two things, unicness and be fun for both sides.

This is my guess on how the community overall views the killers, so be my guest...

Unic but not wanted to play agaisnt: Trapper, Plague, Hag, Twins, Nurse, Legion, Knight, Clown and Skull merchant.

Unic and fun to go agaisnt: Myers (without broken addons), Wraith, Hillbilly, Huntress, Doctor, Pig, Spirit, Demogorgon, Oni, Deathslinger, Pyramid head, Pinhead, Artist, Blight, Wesker, Singularity, Sadako and Ghostface.

Plain and not wanted to play agaisnt: Leatherface, Freddy, Trickster and Nemesis.

Overall the most hated killers or the ones been called by the most amount of players to be removed: Leatherface, Knight, Skull Merchant and Nurse.


Trapper: something very clear about his design is how unfair and frustating is the bear trap escape mechanic, for both sides. Sometimes, you being near, the survivor frees himself in 2s and escapes, others the killer is far away but the survivor is trapped for 15s. The whole luck thing needs to be removed from the power.

Basic changes: while trapped, survivors need to hold the button for 6s. Injured survivors who liberate themselves suffer deep wounds. Trapper can carry/pick up all his bear traps in hand and starts the match with 7. "Makeshift wrap" is now base kit.


Nurse: the nerf is absolutely one of BHVR most awful and lazy changes in the history of killer updates. Nurse is still a strong killer and this change only makes very skilled Nurses less overpowered. The number of builds and different playstiles has been reduced, 15 perks no longer playable.

Nurse CAN'T have the same treatment as Blight, Oni, Hillbilly and Wesker. Unlike her, they have normal speed, they are able to hit with basic attacks without using their power, they are not SHACKLED to their powers and they still can play in a normal way. Nurse CAN'T. By gameplay design this is terrible.

Basic changes: lunges after blinks are considered basic attacks again. Reduce the maximum blink range from 20m to 18m and of additional blinks from 12m to 9m. Reduce the travel speed by 15%. Now when she is hit by pallets all blink cooldowns are stopped for the stun duration.

Note = survivors can finally rely on pallets when going agaisnt her.



Basic changes: now while sprinting with the chainsaw, hitting a generator will make it loose -2,5% progress instantly and start regressing at normal speed.

Michael Myers

Basic changes: now Tier 1 slowly charges up and Michael is able to fully lunge his attacks. Now Michael gains more power at far distance, so there's more penalty for stalking up close. If the survivors you are looking at, are repairing, healing, cleansing, blessing, unlocking and opening you gain even more. Reduce Evil within 3 terror radius from 32m to 24m.

Completely filling the meter doesn't automatically level up your power anymore. Press secondary ability button to progress Evil within from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.


Basic changes: reduce terror radius from 32m to 28m. Reduce the chain breaking stun from 3s to 1,5s, but the survivor no longer looses a healthstate when the chain is broken. Now Deathslinger can destroy pallets and breakable walls by shooting at them and pulling back the chain.


Basic changes: "shattered syringe" and "combat straps" are now base kit. Reduce the terror radius from 32m to 24m. Now the Pig only roars when the ambush dash charging meter is at 75%.


I don't know how, but the killer playstyle of messing with the box and abusing the chain hunt needs to be nerfed. It punishes too much new players and overall solo gameplay.

Basic changes: increase gateway maximum placement distance from 16m to 20m. Now if the possessed chain travels a distance of more than 8m before hitting a survivor, an extra chain spawns binding as well. "Impaling wire" is now base kit.


Basic changes: "Wakizashi saya" is now base kit.


Basic changes: remove the dark edges around survivors camera when being affected by Nightfall, but the Dredge no longer gets hightlighted in white. Remove the sound and visual effect when Dredge teleports into a lockers.

Now if Dredge can't choose between 2 lockers, it will always teleport into the one which isn't locked.


Hag: her power has been used as an abusable camping strategy since released. She has so much potential for the fact she is a witch, with her dark magic, she could have other powers outside the current ones.


-Can create powered totems from nothing similar to hex: pentimento but chosing the location.

-Curse and trick survivors with new effects.


Clown: his power was already designed for counter loops, the rework was redundant, overall a missed opportunity. The afterpiece tonic can be more dynamic and reliable. It will be better if we had something that could make the clown power require more skill.

Basic changes: "fingerless parade gloves" is now base kit. To support good aim, when the bottles hit directly survivors, they get extra hindered and blurry vision duration. Reduce the pink gas area by -25%.



Trickster: main event is by far the most unnecesary secondary ability in the game. It doesn't complements trickster power in any good way. It's just more knife spam, no original at all. Trickster is a "performer", a kpop star. His character has a lot of potential and like huntress and deathslinger he should require at least some skill to be played.

Basic changes: now 5 knifes are needed to take away a health state. The rate of fire is slower, the knifes throws are completely accurate and there is no longer recoil. Knifes get stuck on survivors, as long as they have one stuck they'll suffer from the broken and incapacitate status effect. Survivors must stand still to pull out the knifes (3s).

Remove Trickster's lullaby and increase knifes hitboxes by 25%.


-Press the secondary ability button to put in the ground a speaker, up to 2 in the map. Speakers reproduce sound in a 32m radius, survivors in range hear trickster terror radius. Survivors can deactivate them, notifying Trickster. While looking directly to a speaker press again X button to change the noise played, from terror radius to chase music for Xs. Has a cooldown.


Freddy: the old dreamworld mechanic was freddy unicness and true identity, it represented very well his character. So let's mix old Freddy with the new one.

Basic changes: awake survivors can't see, hear, touch, get hurted and affected by Freddy, his traps or his teleport. They have a 60s timer to fall asleep. Survivors can get out of the dreamworld: by awake survivors (increasing penalty every time), with any of the 3 alarm clocks in the map (not the furthest, but they don't give immunity), getting hooked and failing skillchecks. "Wool shirt" is now base kit.

Freddy has a 24m terror radius in the dream world. He can put survivors asleep within 24m with a 5s transition. While in it survivors can't see Freddy, but they hear his lullaby and suffer the Incapacitated effect. Dream projection stays the same.

Increase dream snares movement penalty from 15% to 20% and the placement distance from 2m to 16m, but now it has a cooldown of 10s.


-Be able to create fake chests, alarm clocks, totems and generators near the real ones, making them dissappear. So when survivors interact, a Freddy copy appears making them scream, then the trap vanishes and the real object appears again in the original location. The killer gets a loud noise notification. Each trap consumes 1 token.


Sadako. the rework has only made the condemnation more powerful, but with good addons can be annoying and oppressive. While the chasing part had gone untouched.

Basic changes: at the start of the match and until Sadako teleports, the black circle that shows in the survivor portraits stays hidden. Remove Sadako 24m lullaby. Increase projection speed boost from 1,5s to 2s. "Old newspaper" and "Reiko watch" are now basekit.

Reduce global condemn of survivors without videotapes from 0,75 to 0,5 and now survivors get +0,5 of extra comdemn if Sadako teleports within 16m of them. Survivors with videotapes no longer get +2 condemned stacks when hit by Sadako (videotapes also arent destroyed). But now to get rid of them, survivors have to go to the furthest TV and every 25s outside chase they get +1 condemn stack.


Leatherface: his power is too plain and doesn't adds anything new to chases. It has been used as an abusable extreme camping strategy, even more than hag. Unoriginal because we have Hillbilly. Every time he charges the chainsaw you throw the pallet for him to break it, windows are not an option because every decent Leatherface knows enough to always have Bamboozle.

Basic changes: reduce his tantrum duration from 5s - 8s to 3s - 6s. Leatherface is no longer able to use the chainsaw within 12m from a hooked survivor.


Ghostface: we all know the reveal mechanic isn't 100% reliable, so I made it easier and compensate to not make him weaker.

Basic changes: reduce the time it takes to reveal Ghostface when being in front of him from 1,5s to 1s and when being behind him from 1,5s to 2s. After 30s of being partially stalked, survivors meter will go down, staying at 50% (if they were above it) or 0% (if below it).


-While being in Night shroud, Ghostface can now change the incomes of stalking survivors by pressing the secondary ability button again. In this new mode you can choose revealing for 10s: (item and addons), (perks) or (survivor's aura).


Nemesis: the contamination and supply cases do not give anything new or interesting, they need to be removed. The zombies can sometimes literally do nothing or actually make you win chases. They can be unreliable for Nemesis or a pain in the ass for survivors.

Basic changes: now the tentacle and the zombies directly take away health states. Increase tentacle charge time from 0,35s to 0,7s and reduce the width of his attack by 30%. Now Tier 2 increases the movement speed while holding it from 95% to 100% and Tier 3 makes it able to break pallets. Tentacle strike has now a 6s cooldown.

Increase zombie walking speed from 1m/s to 1,5m/s. Now they are 3 on the map, but their respawn time when being destroyed by pallets increases from 45s to 100s. Now survivors can put them on the ground for 10s by:

  • Being behind zombies who haven't detect them (they kick them in the back).
  • Standing near zombies who have detect you (it cancels zombie attacks). You will be wiggling with the zombie for 4s while facing continuous skillchecks.


-Press X button, making Nemesis roar loudly and call the nearest zombie to your present location, once the zombie has arrived the AI will take control of him again. This cannot be performed near hooked survivors nor exit gates.


Skull Merchant

Basic changes: survivors no longer get exposed for being near drones, but if they stay in the area for more than 10s their aura will be revealed until they go outside of it. Claw traps no longer break pallets.

Increase the undetectable duration after exiting the drones area from 2s to 4s. Now for every claw trap or survivor being scanned, Skull merchant gains +3% vaulting and lunge speed up to 12%, and +2% movement speed up to 8%. Survivors can no longer see drones scanning areas, but they still can see the laser beams of scouting drones.


-Press X button while directly looking at a drone to apply the exposed effect to all survivors in it's range for 30s and reveal them with killer instinct. Has a cooldown.



Basic changes: "Toy sword" is now base kit. Reduce the switching time (Victor to Charlotte) from 3s to 1,5s, the time Victor can be static in one place from 90s to 30s and the time he gets to recover after missing an attack without hitting an object from 3s to 1,5s.

At any time press X button while directly looking at Victor to destroy him, making him re-grow on Charlotte. Now if survivors holds Victor for more than 30s, they will go into the dying state destroying him in the process (they can see the timer on their HUD). If Victor is within 16m from you when hooking a survivor, he gets automatically destroyed.


-Reduce Victor speed from 6m/s to 5,4m/s, but now he can go under dropped pallets.


  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Some good ideas in here, but the real highlight are the Freddy stick figures!